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" Breaking free "

Deep within my soul there lies
A pain that never truly dies
Regrets that haunt me through the night
And hatred burning oh so bright

I try to bury all my pain
But it resurfaces again and again
Each scar a reminder of what I've lost
And the price I've paid at such a cost

The darkness creeps in, consuming my soul
Swallowing me whole, it takes control
My heart aches with every passing day
As I sink deeper into the fray

I scream and cry and beg for release
But the memories won't let me find peace
I'm trapped in a cycle of my own making
And there's no end in sight for the taking

For in this darkness, I see no light
No hope, no joy, just endless night
The pain and hate, they're all I know
A never-ending, all-consuming woe

But still, I fight to break free
To find a way to live and be
I'll face my demons and stand up tall
And try to break free from it all.

This is my journey, my life to live
And I'll take every moment I'm given
With a heart full of darkness and eyes open wide
I'll fight to break free, to find the other side.


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