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When Kat woke up, all she could smell was chlorine

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When Kat woke up, all she could smell was chlorine.

And for the first time in her life, it never smelled so good. She was almost used to waking up alone, as Wally was an early bird, but she was delighted to find him tangled up with her under the covers. They had kissed last night.

She had kissed him underwater, feeling so anxious when they reached the surface that she had tried to flee. However, he had grabbed her arm and brought her body crashing against him, hugging her so tightly yet so gently. They had stayed like that for what seemed to be forever, just hugging each other until the coldness of the water forced them out. They rushed for towels and dry clothes, laughing all the way back to their room.

She couldn't remember who had fallen asleep first, but she knew one thing. As he wrapped her in tons of blankets, doing it so carefully, she felt something in her chest. "Oh oh, I'm falling in love," she thought, repressing the desire to tear up a little bit. She kissed him again, a small quick kiss, brushing her lips against his before lying down and closing her eyes, feeling her heart clench so hard in her chest that it hurt, but in a good way.

She turned to watch him sleep. He was so peaceful. For once, she didn't think about her death, her friend, her mother, or anything else. All she cared about was right here with her. Even the weather was on her side today as rays of sunshine warmed the room.

She was staring when he opened his eyes. She quickly closed hers, pretending to still be asleep. He wasn't fooled, but played along and closed his eyes again. She peeked a look, and when she opened her eyes completely again, he did the same, giggling when she blushed.

Wally had been thinking of a great plan to surprise Kat today. Well, not great in terms of preparation and all, but it was something he wanted to try. As they joined the others by the gymnasium, he did something that Kat and he had discussed before during one of their long conversations about old romantic comedies, especially "Sixteen Candles," more precisely the opening scene of the movie. In other words, he put his hand in her back pocket.

But contrary to the movie, he didn't stay there as he used his hand to make her turn on herself before catching her in his arms. "Did you just do the scene from 'To All the Boys I've Loved Before'?" she asked, chuckling. "I've never seen that one." Before she could respond, he kissed her cheek before grabbing her hand and passing through the gymnasium's doors.

She quickly let go of his hand, still wanting to keep what they had to themselves for now, but Wally's smile was so huge that everybody could tell at first sight. As Mr. Martin was giving them more insignificant work to do, they just couldn't keep their eyes off each other, smiling throughout the meeting.

As they finally got out of there, Wally wondered what they could do that day, but Kat caught sight of her best friend with a determined look on her face. All the cheesiness of that morning faded away as Kat instantly knew that Nat was up to no good. "C'mon," Kat said as she pressed her friend to follow and ran in Nat's direction.

10 things i love about you { Wally Clark } school spiritsWhere stories live. Discover now