Chapter 7

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Cedra had told Aegon that Fern was in her room – apparently, exactly where she'd been for the last few days

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Cedra had told Aegon that Fern was in her room – apparently, exactly where she'd been for the last few days. For a moment, he'd found that odd. She usually liked to go outside on walks whenever she could, to feel the sun on her skin, and he felt a sinking feeling in his stomach when he realised that she may have been working even despite him paying her to do nothing.
But as he creaked the door to her room open, he found her there. Sat on her bed, fully clothed, with a book in her hands. More books were scattered around her, small bits of paper beside them with scribbles on them.
Aegon closed the door behind him quietly and she didn't seem to notice him enter.
He grinned, approaching her from behind.
Silently, he sat down on her bed and pulled her into him.
Fern screamed, dropping her book, and he couldn't help but laugh.
She hit his arm. “You fiend! You scared the life out of me!”
“You're lucky it's only me.” He said, kissing her.
Her annoyance relented as soon as their lips met. “Only you? Aren't you the rakish Prince that everyone's so afraid of?”
He grinned, biting her lower lip and extracting a small whimper from her. “I think ashamed is the word you're looking for, not afraid.”
Fern frowned, sitting up in his arms to gently touch his cheek. Aegon looked away from her the minute he saw the genuine emotion and sympathy in her eyes.
She was about to speak when he looked over at her books. “I thought you couldn't read?”
Her cheeks darkened. “I couldn't. Your brother has been helping me.”
She nodded.
“Aemond has been coming here?”
“No, no. He sent a tutor to help me.”
Aegon eyed her warily for a moment. “Why would he do that?”
She shrugged. “I don't know.”
“You and him haven't–”
Fern laughed, moving to straddle him. Gently, she pushed white hair from his face and touched his cheek to make him look at her. He did. His big pale eyes deep with insecurity.
She kissed him again, soft and tender. One arm wrapped around her waist, Aegon pulling her into him, while the other moved lower to cup her reer.
“I'm a whore, Aegon.” She whispered as she pulled away. “Not a wife. If you don't want me to fuck your brother, hope and pray that he doesn't pay for me.” She said in a soft tone that almost disguised her sharp words. “Now, are you staying or can I finish my book?”
He rolled his eyes, lying down and pulling her with him. Fern grinned.
“You're becoming as boring as Aemond now too. I think that was his plan all along.”
Fern laughed, rolling her hips against him slowly. The Prince moaned, moving one hand to grip her hair.
“Do you still find me boring, my Prince? I could stop if you like.” She said, running her hand towards the edge of his trousers.
He watched her, not moving as she slowly pushed her hand under the fabric of his clothes.
Their eyes stayed on each other, fixed and matching intensity, as Fern moved her hand around him.
His grip on her got tighter, pulling on her hair with one hand as the other had a bruising hold on her thigh.
“Do you want me to stop?” She whispered, moving her hand up and down in slow, agonizing, movements.
“Don't stop.” He all but begged, kissing her neck. “Don't fucking stop.”
“Say my name.” She said, her hand moving a little faster.
“Don't fucking stop, Fern.” He repeated.
Something replaced her hand. Something warm and wet around him.
Fern rolled her hips again, both of them moaning in unison.
Her skirt was soft against his bare skin.
“Gods, Aegon.” She whined as he pushed deeper into her with every thrust.
“You can read if you want.” He said as she rode him like a true dragonrider. “I think I'd rather do this.”
Above him, she looked beautiful. Her hair was a mess, her head thrown back, and she was moaning his name for everyone in the building to hear. Her cheeks were a warm shade of pink, skin hot to the touch.
In truth, he liked her best when she was like this.
“I want you.” She said, leaning down to connect their lips. “Nothing else.”
“Gods, Fern, I'm going to–”
Neither of them had enough time to move before he finished inside her.
At the feeling, she clenched around him, her body going limp as she reached her own climax.
They both took deep, ragged, breaths, staring at each other.
Fern moved off of him, collapsing next to him with a somewhat surprised expression.
She was about to bite her lip when Aegon kissed her again. On her lips, on her cheeks, on the tip of her nose.
“Fern Waters, you're the best whore in King's Landing.”
She laughed. “And they say romance is dead.”
“Is that what I should be doing? Romancing you?”
“Whatever you're doing now is just fine, my Prince.” She said.
He smiled and she could've sworn it was better than any gold or jewels she'd been given. Seeing him smile, truly smile, was a rare thing. He smirked and grinned, sure enough.
But he never truly smiled.
She loved it when he did. More than anything.
“It's Aemond's nameday next week.” Aegon said, staring up at the ceiling.
“Will your family be celebrating it?”
“Most likely. My mother likes to make a fuss over him. Father usually forgets.”
“He'll be older than you were when you started coming here, won't he?”
Aegon turned to look at her. “Mayhaps I'll bring him here then.”
“I think that boy is more interested in books and dragons than in whores, Aegon.”
“He's been through enough this year. He deserves some fun at least.”
“And who would do the honours?” She asked with a skeptical look. “Bella? Becca? The twins? Cedra?” She paused, looking him over. “Me?”
Much to her chagrin, he didn't show any hint of annoyance at the prospect.
“Whoever he buys.”
Fern huffed, getting up out of bed.
She didn't know why it annoyed her as much as it did. She was a whore, she knew that. She was someone Aegon paid to do a very specific job, not someone he'd get jealous over.
And it wasn't like she'd not had other men. It's not like she'd not been bought before with no reaction from Aegon.
But she'd thought maybe, just maybe, that'd been why he'd been paying for her even when he wasn't there.
That maybe he wanted to be the only...
Gods, she'd been stupid.
Stupid. Stupid. Stupid.
A silly girl with ridiculous feelings.
How many times did she have to tell herself the same thing?
He was a Targaryen. A Prince. A dragonrider.
She was a cheap whore.
There was no room for feelings. No room for attachments.
“What's the matter with you now?” Aegon asked as she poured herself out a glass of wine and didn't bother to offer him one. He sat up, a small grin forming on his face. “Did you want me to say no to my little brother choosing you?”
“I don't care.” Fern said frustratedly. “Do what you want. I'll go where the money is.”
“I know. You told me earlier, remember? If I don't want my brother to fuck you, I have to hope and pray that he doesn't buy you?”
She frowned.
She had said that, hadn't she?
So why was she acting so ridiculous now?
“Come here.” The Prince beckoned.
She did as bid, wandering over.
He pulled her in, arm wrapping around her waist as he lifted her chin to make her look at him.
“I'll be jealous if you want me to be, Fern.” He said. “But I thought we both agreed–”
“No, we do. You're right. I just–” She looked away, biting her lip like she always did when she grew nervous. “We're still... We're still friends, aren't we? As well as just–”
He kissed her, effectively shutting her up. Fern's stance softened as she melted into his lips.
He pulled away, resting his head against her's. “You're the only girl I've ever come back to.”
She frowned at him, rolling her eyes. “That's awful, Aegon. I mean, really–”
He kissed her again and anything she'd been about to say died on her tongue.
Fern squealed as he pulled her back down onto the bed.
She laughed, throwing a pillow at him, but Aegon caught it and tossed it aside.
“If I wanted chastising, I'd go to my mother.” He said, his fingers looping through the laces of her dress.
“Let's not start talking about your mother right now, Aegon.” She said, pulling his shirt over his head.

Aegon took another swig of wine as Fern gently nuzzled against his bare chest.
He ran his fingers through her hair and she looked up at him with bright eyes.
“They'll expect me back soon. Mother wants us all to have dinner together since father's feeling a little... Better.”
“That's good, isn't it?”
“Better just means he's not unconscious. He gets worse every day. And it'll just be another dinner spent hearing him talk on and on about Rhaenyra.”
Fern gently kissed his cheek. “Your brothers and sister will have to hear the same.”
Aegon huffed, pulling her in closer by the waist and taking another swig of wine.
“That's their choice.”
“Well,” Fern said, her voice smooth and sweet, “you're welcome to stay with me as long as you like. But there's a price to pay, of course.”
“There always is.”
She grinned. “Not money this time.”
Aegon raised an eyebrow at her. “What then?”
She bit her lower lip, lacing their hands together. “If you stay the night, I...” Aegon began to smirk as Fern leaned in closer. “Would like a full night of sleep.”
He breathed a deep breath. “Thank the Gods. I didn't know how many more rounds I had in me.”
She laughed. “Am I waring you out, my sweet Prince?”
“A man can only last so long, Perzītsos. I was starting to think you only wanted me for one thing.”
Her laughter grew and she gently nudged his arm. “Oh, my poor prince. How awful that must be.”
“Yes, it's quite the burden.”
Fern kissed him again, quieting him finally. “Go to sleep then, Aegon.”
“You first, Fern.”
She rolled over, blowing out the candles beside her bed.
Aegon pulled her back into him as soon as it was dark, and she was laughing again. He held her there, her back to his front, tightly and nuzzled into her neck. Never in her life had she felt so safe.
Gently, she pulled his hand up to her lips and kissed his knuckles.
“I could get used to this, you know.” She said.
Aegon pulled her closer again. “So could I.”
They both fell asleep that way – Aegon holding onto her like he never wanted to let go. Like if he did, she'd slip away from him.

I was going to post this yesterday but I was in a post-Eurovision depression

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