Chapter 17:I knew it. You're still alive

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After the drama of the show, Ningxia and her manager returned to their hotel late.

Ningxia is very tired, just want to fall on the bed to sleep, but the agent took the name card of thin Yilin, saw several times, all feel unreal.

"Xia Xia, maybe we can really turn over this time."

The agent, Sister Qin, is a friend of Ningxia for many years. Sister Qin has taken several models before, but those little models, when they become popular, run away and go to better places.

Then, Sister Qin has no resources, was opened by the agency.

Until two years ago, she returned to the modeling scene, starting from scratch with a completely new person.

"Sister Jean, but I don't feel real... This Miss Bo suddenly got to know me and asked for each other's contact information."

With that, Ningxia touched her face and remembered what Bo Yilin said, mistaking her for someone else.

Perhaps because of her face, and Miss Bo's sister-in-law, very similar?

If so, Ningxia cannot accept such preferential treatment, it is not because of its own strength, but the face... This feeling made her feel bad.

"Ningxia, don't think so, Miss Bo said, she is interested in your image. But how busy she is, I don't know whether she will take the initiative to contact us later..."

She said, shaking her head again.

I was afraid that they would just keep in touch for a while and never talk to each other again.

"Do you know, Bo Yilin is very popular in the design circle these two years, if you can be her model, then the whole modeling circle, you will be in the first line."

On the front line... So over the top?

Ningxia wonders what this Miss Bo is all about.

"Is she very good?"

The agent nodded. "Of course, but the best is her brother, Bo Yichen."

Bo Yichen!

Hear these three words, Ningxia brain across a face, but also moments, and become blurred.

Just the name, she is familiar with!

There was a pain in her heart that she could hardly recover from.

But Sister Qin didn't notice her. Instead, she continued, "Mr. Bo is a big shot. Although he has been a little out of his mind since his wife died, it doesn't affect the prestige of his group."

He is a powerful man. Can they get him and worry for the rest of their lives?

Ningxia frown, heart discomfort gradually eased, her dark eyes, red lips light.

Bo Yichen...

Does she know this guy? Why does she hear his name?

Ningxia would not allow herself to think of anything else, she was very tired today.

When Sister Qin saw that she was not looking well, she checked the time. It was getting late.

"Xia Xia, you should rest early. We will go to other regions to catch up on the new show in a few days." "Yeah, OK."

"By the way, don't forget to take your medicine, you don't look well."

The woman nodded and watched as Sister Qin returned to her room. Ningxia went to the bedside cabinet and picked up the white medicine.

These years, she was in poor health, day and night inevitably, rely on medicine to make herself fall asleep.

But tonight, things were different.

After taking the medicine, she felt very sleepy.

After lying down for a while, she fell asleep, but strangely enough, she dreamed!

For the first time in years, she dreamed.

And the dream scene, so real --

A woman was shut up in a dark room, crying and making noises.

The woman was a blur and she could not see her face clearly.

Want to be close, but found that his whole body is tied, unable to move forward, can only look at the shrink in the corner of the woman crying.


The woman sat up suddenly in bed, clutching the covers in horror.

All around, the familiar hotel room.

It was already light, and the night had passed.

"All right, just a dream..." Ningxia mumbled as she stepped out of bed and went to the bathroom.

She looked at herself in the mirror as white as if she had been the woman in the dream.
She thought she would die if she suffered all that.


Half an hour later, Ningxia organized herself and sent a message to Sister Qin, saying that they would go downstairs to the restaurant for breakfast together.

Just then, the doorbell rang.

Thinking it was room service, she didn't think twice and opened the door.

But the next moment, she froze because instead of the waiter standing outside, there was --

A man!

Bo Yichen did not expect to see a Ning Xia again in his life.

Alive Ning Xia, not that cold urn.

She's really alive!

"Ning Xia..."

His husky voice was hoarse, and his dark eyes were a little deeper again.

He was afraid that it was only a dream.

But he knew that Ning Xias would never enter his dreams.

She hated him, so for years, on purpose, she didn't let him dream about her.

Ningxia looked at the man outside the door, I do not know why, the feeling of pain in my heart hit again. She bit her lip and frowned. She did not like the discomfort.

But before she could ask him who he was, he snatched her into his arms.


The move, which caught her off guard.

Was this man a gangster? !

Thinking this way, Ningxia began to struggle --

"Let go of me! You... Weii! '

Before she could utter a cry, the man bowed his head and sealed it with a kiss, silencing all her voices. The woman's eyes widened, her pupils dilated.

God damn it, she was kissed!

A man couldn't have fought her harder.

In fact, his huge body overthrew her and trapped her in a space between heaven and earth from which she could not escape.

"Let me go!"

Ningxia had never seen such a situation before, and was immediately frightened and cried.
But compared with men, there is a huge difference in strength.

Bo Yichen bowed his head and kissed the lips that Xiao had been thinking about for a long time.

His Xia Xia...

Finally, back.

"Xia Xia, I knew, you are still alive."

He knew that she was not dead.

Those bones, so cold, how could they be her? 'No, you've mistaken her for someone else!

Only regret meeting on a chilly nightOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora