79 - The time has come

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*Chris pov*

It's Wednesday morning, August 8th 2018, Mia and I just woke up, it's early, only 6.47.
Once we're in the kitchen we find my mom making us a light breakfast.
"Good morning, how do you feel?" She asks coming over to hug Mia
"A bit scared..."
"Aw, that's okay honey" she says hugging her a bit tighter
When their little moment ends I thank mom for breakfast and tell her she could have slept a bit longer
"Not a problem sweetheart, now take your time and eat get ready and go, I'll meet you there this afternoon. Shanna is coming at noon to watch the kids"
"Thank you" we both say
I think by now you figured out what we're doing today...

We arrive at the hospital at 8.30 and after Mia signed all the papers she needed to sign, we are directed to her room where she's asked to change into the hospital gown. They also tell us that in a couple of hours a nurse will be coming in to put a catheter.
After helping her change she settles down on the bed and I sit next to her
"Just a few more hours..." I whisper against her head
"Can't believe it"
"Me neither" I say smiling down to her "thank you"
"For what?"
"This...everything you did the past years, giving me three children and loving my Gracie bug just as much as you love Tommy and the twins, and for loving me" I finish pressing a kiss to her temple
"You did the same thing with me Chris..."
We smile at each other and pass the time reading a book.

"Hi, I'm nurse Jackie" a woman in her 50's says coming in after knocking
"Hello!" Mia says while I nod my head and wave
"You both look ready and happy to meet your baby girls!
"We are!" I tell her
"First ones?"
"Nope, third and fourth!" Mia answers
"Oh you love kids, uh!"
"Always wanted a big family..." we admit
"And you're having it...anyways I'm here to put your catheter in and tell you that from now on you can't drink or eat"
"Let the fun begin..." Mia says laying down
I held her hand as the nurse puts the catheter in, it really is no fun according to Mia's face expressions...

"Ok...we can start" the doctor says
I'm sat next to Mia's head and I'm holding her hand and occasionally kissing her head, whispering sweet nothings in her ear
The doctors proceed and of course we can't see what they're doing but we can hear.
"How are you feeling baby?" I softly ask
"Ok, sometimes I feel a little tug but into not painful"
"Good" I say pressing another kiss on her head, of course it feels weird cause I'm wearing a face mask but still...
We suddenly hear a cry and one of the doctors pulls the baby up so we can see her above the sheet pulled up on Mia's belly
"Your first girl is here, congrats!"
"Oh my god she's beautiful" I say as tears make their way down my cheeks
"She's tiny!" Mia says
"Now to the next one"
"Baby number one is being taken care of" the nurse that has her says while she's cleaning her
I caress Mia's head as the doctor pulls out the other one
"And here she is!" He says
"I can't...they're so..." I say getting choked up
"Perfect..." Mia finishes for me
They stitch her up and she's sent to the recovery room where she'll be staying for the next three days and after half an hour nurse Jackie and a male nurse are pushing our girls into the room
"Here they are, congratulations mommy and daddy!" She says
They both hold them, passing one to Mia and the other one to me
"Thanks..." I mumble carefully holding my daughter
"I'll be needing names soon...I'll give you a few minutes while I add a few helpful things into your bathroom for later.
We thank her silently as we soak up the first moments with our daughters, and let me tell you every single time I hold one of my newborns it's a unique feeling that I can't even explain.

My mom comes by right before dinner and snaps a few photos of us, we send them to family and close friends.
Seb and Bonnie text us, they're at our house with Tommy and Grace and they can't wait to be here tomorrow and meet the twins.



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