Angry issues

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She got into Carlos' car and put the seatbelt on. She has always loved Ferrari cars so she took a look around her. The seats were made of black leather and the whole car was framed by a thin red line going all around the dashboard, the touchpad and in front of the driver seat. The classic Ferrari logo with the black horse and yellow wallpaper was at the wheel's centre. As soon as Carlos entered the car, they looked at each other and laughed. 
"I think the guard was very mad. I didn't get a word of what he said but he seemed angry" she said while Carlos turned the car on. The engine roared.
"Yeah, he was. But as I said, I am Carlos Sainz 55, there's nothing I can't do" Then he moved his right arm to the back of the y/n seat to watch back and reverse the car. She gasped for a second because she didn't get what he was doing. She thought he was going to put his arm around her and for a second her heart stopped. He saw her and when he put his arm back to the wheel, he squeezed her hip for a moment. It was his way of showing her how much he still cared about her. 
"Don't start this war again, Chili." She called him the way she used to when they were in London and this made her very angry with herself. He put his hand up like he was surrendering and got away from the Ferrari factory. 

When they get to Y/n's hotel she didn't want to leave the car and this made her feel even angrier than before so without saying a word, she got out of the car while Carlos was leaning his left arm on the wheel, waiting for her to talk. They didn't work the argument out so he thought she would have faced the problem, but she didn't. She left him after wishing him goodnight and he felt angry as well. He got back to Faenza blaming himself to haven't insisted enough, he wanted to clarify with her but the only feeling he had was angry to himself and to her. It was hard for him to fall asleep, as much as y/n in her hotel room. 

The day after, it was Saturday and y/n called Charles to talk about the night before. She was tired because she haven't slept that much. She wore a light blue training suit, tied a ponytail and waited for Charles in the park near her hotel. Since Charles was late, she started training by herself. She put her headphones on and turned the music very loud. It was her only way to train properly, when all of a sudden someone get closer to her running, it was Charles. He was wearing a white Ferrari t-shirt and a pair of black Nike shorts. 
"Hey!" he said looking at her smiling.
"Hey! I haven't heard you" she said putting her headphones off but keeping on running. They ran for half an hour around the park and when they were out of breath, they decided to stop and rest a bit. They got closer to a bench and did a bit of stretching. 

"So what did you want to tell me?" Charles was holding his right ankle with his right hand. She told him everything that happened in the factory. The walk around the track, the moment when he was on her and all her sensations, the tension but also the anger she felt. Charles listened to her in silence and nodded his head while she talked so much about her complicated feelings.
"I think he was sincere, Y/n. When we saw him and Isabela in the paddock I immediately told you there was an explication. Well, that's the reason" 
"I don't know, Cha. He didn't tell me immediately, and this makes me think that he hasn't moved on" She decided to stop training because she was too tired and she hadn't been training for a long time.
"Carlos is not a liar, I've known him for two years. He's arrogant sometimes, but he's not a liar, Y/n... I think you should trust him." they stayed in silence for a bit, then Charles spoke again, "I think you are afraid of showing your feelings, of letting your emotions go and living this story". 
Those words hit hard in y/n's heart. She knew deep inside it wasn't only Carlos' fault and she knew Charles would have to get it, sooner or later. Growing up with an unsentimental father was probably the main reason for her not getting into any relationship, including Carlos. She didn't reply to Charles because she knew he was right and she had to let her feelings grow for Carlos, but she knew it wouldn't be easy at all.

"Oh, look who's calling?" Charles showed y/n his phone ringing. Carlos Sainz. She gasped, it was like he was behind them, hearing all the conversation, but he wasn't. Charles answered the phone.
"Hello, mate!....Yeah sure, what time?....Perfect!....Y/n? I don't know" she started making strange movements with her finger "no, no, no" she whispered to Charles, begging him to don't involve her in their plan. "I don't know, I'll ask her...bye mate, see you tonight" he hung up.

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