Same Routine

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As the days go on with doctors, nurses as well as interns coming in and out of my room feeling like a never ending cycle just to check on my vitals and status on how I was, it practically felt like they were doing different tests and examining me on this peculiar incident that I went through which made me think I was their Guinea pig since they've never seen this case in a younger child rather than an older person. During my time still in the PICU, I saw many of my family and friends who visited me nonstop and were glad to see me in a much better state than before. At one point, when a family member of mine came to see me a nurse then came in awhile after who had advised him that they were going take the tube out from my mouth. So, of course he had to leave the room for a short amount of time as it was consider a surgery in case anything were to go wrong. After some time had passed he was able to come back in the room and be by me and I tried to speak to him but sadly all that could come out of my mouth was a puff of air making it sound like I was whispering ever so softly to the point where it sounded as if I smoked for thousands of years. Eventually when I seemed better to the doctors, they then transferred me to the 8th floor which was the unit for patients who no longer needed the intensive care.

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