Malevolent: 1

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A/N: honestly I wasn't sure whether to keep going with Tex but may have gotten some encouragement to try it. So for now, I will try and see how it goes. Hopefully it isn't a disappointment!

When it came to the basic human senses, I couldn't help but feel as though pain deserved its own category. The Sawyers were a new level and one that I had never expected to come across. Anything from a push to a full on whipping to the back or breaking of the fingers were only some of the punishments that came hand in hand with disobeying them and as more time passed the more I felt reluctant to be on the receiving end. Their rules came with consequences, ones that often led to the youngest of the Sawyer siblings taking it upon himself to dish out but these days reality was difficult. Time was an essence which seemed to trickle one moment into another or flood but to Tex no explanation would justify the means. If I fucked up or in anyway disappointed the cannibalistic matriarch she made quick work to ensure it was something that would not happen again. This time had been no different. My back burned from the searing wounds, her mechanical like laugh from her voice box contraption. Tex never hesitated from being the punisher, if anything he stepped up each time and with glee. Cackling in delight, I braced for the next hit or at least to the extent I could. With a crack as his belt buckle collided, I couldn't help but cry out at the snap of impact. Gritting my teeth, I stayed where I was knowing better than to try and get away. It always ended up the same way, in the same location. The Sawyer's residence was a form of purgatory and they were my main if not my only source of company.
"Again." Mama instructed before he did exactly as he was told.
"How many times do we have to tell you sweetheart?" There was no escaping the excited pants that laced with the swiftness of his rhetorical question. The blonde as usual was getting off on it and had been from the minute that Mama had ordered me to bend over the hood of Tinker's truck. Alfredo's vehicle bore marks from the previous events but while he was away at the gas station they made do with the next best thing. I felt the heat, the trickle of blood that drenched the waistband of my shorts. My fingers shuddered and tapped as I gritted my teeth. Auburn strands hid my face but he didn't need to see my features, he had all of my reactions logged and saved in his brain. "I'm not hearing an answer." Too many. Or at least that was his opinion on it. The heels of his boots thudded dully against the gravel and stone coming closer and I kept my eyes shut, he always took time when having a pause during punishment where he would take in his work, this time with a shaking hand as he stroked up the broken skin. It was never shakes of fear, regret or any thoughts that would perhaps cross the mind of someone not attuned to a life like his. He lived for this pain and humiliation, it was what he got off on and this was no difference.
"What do you know not to do?" Swallowing the lump in my throat and struggling to keep in any sobs that so determinedly in my chest desperate to burst and remained still. "What do you know but you keep doing anyway?"
"I didn' anything." I breathed raggedly knowing that even if it was the truth, they would not believe me. These people didn't disappear into thin air. They ran into the woods wary of traps and whatever else was awaiting them.
"Hit her again, refresh her memory." Mama suggested dryly as my fists clenched struggling to find or form the words they wanted to hear. Tex clicked his tongue from behind me, his hand between my legs and getting off on the moment as a few seconds passed mauling his idea over with small hums.
"You want another little scratch?" There was nothing little about these welts. I knew that for a fact and the fact I was forced to remove my top before he unleashed this brutality showed that he was looking for length over girth this time around. "Or maybe you're enjoying this? Makes sense why you also feel the need to stick the knife in. Is that it Lori, does this get you all excited?"
"No..." I whimpered truthfully. It did anything but that.
"Then answer the question sweetheart." Tex tutted slowly, "but we both know that you'd deserve it anyway, don't we? You've been a bad girl."
"Just do it," Mama encouraged once again and firmly, losing patience that once again this was necessary.
"Again it is." He mused, shaking my head with panicked whispers I remained in the position where I was, moving would only be seen as a further act of defiance and further hurt. There were worse things than a whipping and I knew that for a fact.
"Wait." I strained keeping my thoughts on exactly that. Tinker's contraptions were never pleasurable. Tex hesitated with a small chuckle and resumed tracing the three lashes he had already inflicted. Flinching as he did, I remained adamant on finding my voice.
"I'm listening."
"Not to let them escape." I confessed, legs trembling underneath me with each passing second I felt closer to dropping as if knowing this, I felt the blonde once again close the gap between myself and him. His kneecap position between my own.
"Not to let what escape?" Tex asked, emphasising what it was he wanted to hear. Taking a deep breath, I nodded to myself, I knew exactly what he was implying and while it wasn't a term I was ever going to be comfortable in using, it was one that could prevent further harsh torment.
"The meat..." I whimpered with difficulty. The tips of his digits slowly slithered up to my neck before his fingers tightened and laced through my hair. I knew what was coming but as he pulled my head back, I couldn't contain the noise he lusted for. Hot breath fanned against my cheek as I was pulled closer against him.
"Need to speak up Sweetheart. We don't let what escape? You were being so obedient a minute ago." Grimacing as his painted fingernails clenched on my chin turning my tear stricken face in his direction, his blue eyes bore into my own. "Don't you want to be a good girl?" It wasn't a matter of good or even taking on the ideals that they held dear. It was about what came with less blows, less pain and by now just when I thought I had adapted to such feelings, they retaliated once more. This itself would only add to the scars my body now bore since having the displeasure of meeting them which felt unfortunately like an age ago and perhaps it was. Days just bled into one and none came with the promise that the situation was only temporary. Feeling my body trembled, I told myself to only focus on getting Tex to stop it was all I could do. "Being a good girl means you won't get another little hit."
"The meat." I repeated firmly after a couple of seconds of trying to find my voice and breath. Nodding his head slowly, his pink tinted lips formed a small smile of satisfaction.
"See now that's much better." Ignoring the patronising claps that Mama felt the need to do, I kept my eyes fixed on Tex as his fingers withdrew from my face and he sucked in a breath. "Tinker won't be too happy with you, get inside." Tilting his head to indicate the door, I bit my lip gently and struggled to straighten up.
"Dogs don't walk on two legs." Mama pointed out coldly.
"Well, you heard Mama." Tex said idly, "on your knees." I resisted biting back and focused on trying to block out the pain as I pushed away from the vehicle. The cuts seared and burned in discomfort and trying to adjust my weight through it all I put my hands in front of me in the dirt. Both found humour in it as I closed my eyes. It was nothing new and I tried to reassure myself of that as I fought the temptation to cry more. "Have to say I'm enjoying the view honey." Gritting my teeth furiously to myself, I was under no illusion that he was shamelessly surveilling my movements but it was impossible to go any faster, worse to argue so the only solution was to keep going and hoping that when they retrieved their 'meat' I would get some peace and be left alone for an hour or so. Any longer was unlikely, Tex always made a point of checking in no matter the precautions he put in place. I had lost track of just how many times I had escaped the household only to be snagged and bagged once more. They knew their surroundings more than I ever could and when it came to the hunt, there was also strength in numbers. Grimacing as I made it to the door, I listened to the patter of his boots behind me before feeling a light tap against my buttocks. Wincing and flinching, I listened to him sniggering. "It's like Mama knows my favourite position with you." Wrinkling my nose, I felt my stomach tighten in disgust at how he could so callously state such a thing.

Malevolent (Tex Sawyer)Where stories live. Discover now