Malevolent: 24

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Through the splitting of my skull, I could hear them clear as day. Still mocking me and making comments here and there while scrubbing the blood from my bare body, both Tinker and Tex seemed to be having a grand time during my misery. I couldn't erase the sight of the young woman from my mind, how she had stabbed multiple times, how she had been violently attacked. Coming back was stupidity but when I was to think realistically where was there to go? All there would have been is traps, a trail of never ending trees and a road which stretched into the distance and left you questioning if it was a mirage from the Texas heat. Maybe after a while the doubt had come prickling, the idea of being a hero sinking in and returning the favour of getting away. I closed my eyes trying to block out the amusement both males were having at my expense, the feeling of the cold water forcing me to shiver, my teeth chattering into a rhythm that echoed through my eardrums.
It shouldn't have been me.
For one I had never actually helped the girl get away, I simply failed to react to her doing so which meant she had gotten away. They should have helped Brittany. Perhaps that was easier said than done, maybe they did not know of her existence as Junior kept her concealed in his work shed with the only odd occasion of being willing to share her. Currently from what I knew there was no 'livestock' as the family dubbed them around the house. Even if she had found the redhead I couldn't help but ignore the fact that no doubt, she too would come for me and I forced myself to be bitterly grateful as much as I hated what I had done, at least it wasn't her I had hurt.
"Wish I had seen it." Tink chuckled splashing water against my chest as Tex rubbed into my back. My body flinched and writhed with every touch to which they only reacted by getting rougher and making it clear they had had enough of my squirming.
"Guess they'd look the same way they always do." Tex suggested.
"Close to shitting themselves?"
"How'd we know she didn't? Just bribe Alfredo to go clean her up, he gets to keep the body that way. New toy for him and I get a tidier room."
"Not sure what Alfredo does is tidy, he'll just kick some shit under the bed and take the bitch." Tink countered as Tex shrugged in return and pursed his lips to the side thoughtfully in a playful nature.
"Least it's one less thing for me to kick under the bed."
"Don't go telling Mama that now." Tink warned, "already gonna have to tell her about this mishap when she wakes up from her nap."
"Not really a mishap when Mama is gonna be happy to know that Lori here did something good for us all, just made a mess. Didn't ya honey?" Wincing at the grip he had in my hair, he forced me to nod at his question before giggling behind me. "That's right sweetheart. Not that any of your kills were ever all that clean. The more mess, the more fun you have, dirty girl."
"Best call Hoyt up as well, no need to scout the road now that that whore is gone and our girl here is incapacitated. Squeezing the spine to release its contents, he soaked it back into the water pulling at my knee pointedly as he did so. Instantly I flinched against his firm grip and pushed a soaked hand against his arm which only gripped tighter in response. "Don't be such a baby, we both know you're made of tougher stuff than that."
"Well let me break your leg and we'll see how you hold up." I hissed in agitation and cried out again as he pushed the sud covered material down my thigh to my ankle. Tex was no better pushing my head down while my guard was down with pain to push my head under the water and quickly back up to the surface as if to deny me of my wishful thoughts of getting away from here one way or another. Coughing at the red dyed liquid captured in my throat, he placed his painted fingernails against my shoulder showing me to keep still while he rid my auburn strands from being laced with flesh tissue and bloodied stains.
"Not everyone likes pain as much as you do honey." Tex responded for his brother pulling my head back to focus on the scalp. Glaring at him, the blonde grinned widely. "You getting all embarrassed at your dirty secrets being exposed?"
"I don't enjoy pain." I informed him bluntly through gritted teeth. In return he could only snigger as if disbelieving what I had to say and I was certain it was probably the case. What went on in his head was very different from reality. What he saw as love was captivity, what he saw as being passionate came with his fists or strangulation. He was in a totally different solar system at this point and there was no getting his head on the ground. It was a lost cause even trying.
"Is that right?" Tinker scoffed.
"Whatever you say sweetheart." Tex remarked.
"We can always hear you downstairs." Tink sneered. I bit my tongue as I shivered from the cold and fought against the urge to argue with him. He would only toy further and get more satisfaction through twisting and turning my leg. I had felt enough pain for one day but I couldn't help as though in some ways it could be karma. It was because of me that someone had died even if it wasn't through my own will. When the darkness came in my mind, when solitude cradled me, situations like this happened but usually there were signs or triggers.
Trying to recall, I could only think of the pain I had been in, perhaps if she had tried to help me in a way that only caused further physical stress it had caused the transition.
I frowned gently as Tex poured a cup of water over my head, the droplets of water running like vein outlines on my face as it felt. The taste of blood lingered in my mouth coated and thick as the memory of ripping out the woman's tongue was once again replayed behind my eyelids. I could see it as if looking through the eyes of somebody else how the pain in my body didn't affect the person who had held them down and attacked them but the feeling of the hot and pounding vibrations against my teeth lingered leaving me with no doubts. The way the blood spurted from the wound as he was tugged through and splattered against my chest and neck becoming a memory that I could not wash away as easily as them. It stained instead along with other faces I remembered briefly with flashes and took up the place of the people I actually wanted to remember.
Joel was practically a sketch at this point, with each day that passed, the less I noticed and was rubbed away. His eye colour, the thickness of his lips seemed to be something long gone, his voice I would recall every once in a while but all I mostly heard these days wasn't the Texan accent and that was not him.
"You want to tell Junior's little friend or should I?" Pulled from my thoughts as Tex pulled me back down with a heavy exhale as he mused thoughtfully. Not having time to prepare from his fast motions I was soon enough back to spluttering and coughing as the water ran down my face and up my nose.
"Breath through your nose next time honey." Tex stated obviously. "Like when you, well you know..." Trailing off with a wicked smile, I furrowed my eyebrows at him. It was no wonder such a thing came from his mouth and it only made me want to grab him by the hair and force his head into the toilet  while repeatedly slamming the lid on his skull until his brains were artwork and painted the room. Frowning at the mental image, I ordered myself to stop, as satisfying as it would be there was no telling if the dark thoughts weren't what brought back this other part of me. "I'll let you tell her." He finally answered his brother as I took in the question he had been asked. It was no surprise that they were desperate to tell Brittany in hopes that it could be a catalyst for keeping her under their thumb if she truly felt utterly alone.
"Thought you'd take a little longer deciding that boy, usually you can wait to go wind her up and let her go." Tex grinned malevolently, his hands sliding down my shoulders and bringing himself in to inhale the scent of the shampoo. Against me I could still feel it embedding against the back of my head.
"I wouldn't want to go and make Lori jealous now. Not that you need to worry sweetheart, ain't no one taking my eyes off you." "
"No one should suffer you." I corrected him bluntly, turning I tried to shrug him off to which he only wrapped his arms lower, the material of his blue shirt sticking to his skin as he held my waist. Despite the insult, he was taking it in his stride. Cocking his head, he rested his chin on his collarbone, the light trail of budding stubble scratching against my bruised skin.  "I wouldn't be jealous. Want any other unfortunate person? You go right ahead but you leave her alone." Tex hummed unphased by the answer. Shaking his head and closing his eyes as if taking in the words.
"Sticks and stones." He finally answered as Tink just rolled his dark eyes and leant back on his knees beside the tub.
"You want to take over?"
"I've got this. Not that Lori is going to be going far." Tex replied, "you go tell Junior's little lady and see to Mama." Tinker nodded and stood dusting himself off as he did.
"You behave yourself girl." He pointed his hook at me. I blinked slowly in response before turning to face the wall, able to see the transparent red droplets on the tiles and the thick ring that was forming around the basin. I was certain that no matter how much he scrubbed me, I would be stained red for days. Tink's boots tread lightly on the floor as he left the room.
"Looks like you ain't going to have any friends left." Tex said smugly. I poked my tongue against the inside of my cheek and turned to him.
"At least I have friends."
"One less is still one more than you had."

Malevolent (Tex Sawyer)Where stories live. Discover now