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Elora Pov~

Oh mama, mama, mama
I just shot a man down
In central station
In front of a big ol'crowd

Those lyrics rang in my head as I run throw the dark ally. It was self-defence but I feel guilt for taking his- ugh I don't wanna talk about it. It was either his life or mine and I have my kid to live for. I figured I was back in London judging by the streets' names, which look familiar. I just need to borrow someone's phone and make a phone call.

I run down the street with blood all over my body and my clothes were ragged. People looked at me like I'm crazy, but I don't blame them. I stop to catch my breath, as I take in my surrounding.

"Are you alright dear?" An old woman was looking down at me with concern and somewhat pity.

"I need a phone call." I blurt out eyeing the phone that she has hanging around her neck.

She quickly takes the string that the phone was attached to from around her neck. "Take all the calls you need."


I dial Ted's number and on my first two tries it went to voice mail. Frustratingly I re-dial the number pleading to hear my brother's annoying voice.



"Yes, who's this?" He tiredly asked with a yawn.

"Ted I need your help. Brianna is in dan-."

"Elora?" His voice sounded more awake and I could hear shuffling in his background.

"Ted please listen to me. Call Selena and tell her to call the police at Victor's house, my baby is in danger and I think they got Victor too."

"Are you drunk? Where are you?"

"I'm not drunk dammit! Call Selena and tell her to call the fucking cops at Victor's mansion. They're being held as hostages." I growl out, I would've called Selena instead but Ted's number is the only number I know by heart.

"You're not kidding are you?"

"Ted please stop asking questions and do as I say."

"I'm doing it, Elora. Gabby is making the call as we speak. But where are you?" He asked.

I sigh in relief as tears silently roll down my cheeks. "I'm in London, but I don't know where exactly."

"You're at Bridgeton, 5 Queen's Street dear." The old woman informed smiling softly at me.

"I'm at Bridgeton, 5 Queen's Street." I mouth her a thank you and she nods.

"I'm coming to get you, don't move."

"Thank you."

"I love you." He said before hanging up.

Victor Pov~

"Your woman is crazy man, I knew that from the day she slapped me." Leo chuckles, kicking the dead body on the ground. "Mother fucker got what he deserved anyway. I would have aimed for his side though then watch him suffer in pain as he bleeds out, begging for me to take his life-"

"Dude! Enough. That's a fucked up thing to say, regardless of his evil doings. We don't even know if Elora did this." Asher said before the vomit rushed back up his throat.

"Have some balls, man." Leo laughed as he takes a rag from his jacket and hands it to Asher who flipped him off before taking the fabric.

"Cut it out." I snapped.

"Aye aye, captain." Leo saluted, with a wide smile plastered on his face.

The body laying beside Gray's groans. "Yo, he's alive."

Leo kicks the guy's foot drawing his attention to us. "Get up princess."

"Who are you?"

"Cut the chit chat mate. Where is the girl?" I asked.

He laughed. " She's not the one you should be worried about."

"What do you mean?"

He only laughs. "You'll see."

"Guys! Ted just called he found Elora but Brianna is in danger-" Selena stops at the door with a horror pale look. "What the hell happen here."

"Brianna?" I asked Instantly taking out my phone to make some calls.

"Yes, apparently Lidia has her men holding her hostage, in your house."

Without saying a word, I walked out of the room, with anger pumping through my veins, I'm going to kill every last one of those fuckers, including that hoe Lydia.


"Rico, I need that favour you owed me." I stop at the glass window staring at the night sky as I clench my fist, wondering if I should go down this path.

Elora Pov~

"They're on their way Elora relax," Gabby assured, trying to calm me down.

"They are talking too long." I sob leaning into her.

Ted signs looking at his watch impatiently. "God dammit they are taking too long." He pushes back his hair as he tops his foot impatiently.

"Can we all just be optimistic here?" Gabby hushed.

Just in time, a Jeep pull up beside the bench we were on, I was ready to run thinking it was one of Liydia's men but I stayed put when I saw Victor coming out, he didn't look well.

He walked up to me and I stand from the bench facing him, I was instantly pulled into a tight hug. "You okay?" He asked in a gentle whisper pulling me even tighter.

I find it hard to breathe from the tight grip but I needed this... his warmth, his concern, his care, and I close my eyes and hug him back hiding my face in his chest as I nod.

"Guys, lets go. We've wasted enough time already-" Ted announced, pulling me from Victor to the jeep. "Is there something I missed between you two?"

I shake my head as I allow myself to be pulled like a child.

"Better not," He whispered. "Get in"

I enter the car and was instantly pulled into a hug. "I was so worried about you."


"And your girl Jennifer!" A cheerful voice yelled then I was pulled into another hug.

"Ugh, babe don't talk so loud." A manly voice groans out.

"Shut up Leo."

"Guys, guys. Listen up we're heading back to the airport now, we got to the police and they're on their way to Victor's place."

I smile when I saw Asher, "Hi."

He sits beside me and pulls me into a side hug. "I'm glad you're okay El and don't worry Brianna with be alright."

I smile at his words and lay my head on his shoulder as I hug him back. "I hope so."

I wanna finish this book before the summer ends😋.

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