50 - Chicory

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Song was strange, and chicory didn't use that label lightly. She seemed like a...decent person all things considered, but she also overly enjoyed manipulating people. Chicory lost count of just how many times she'd caught Song gaslighting Fen over the last two days.

It was mostly harmless stuff, but Chicory could tell it was bothering the guy. Song seemed to know it too, because she was clearly doing it just to get a reaction out of him.

Chicory would have confronted the insufferable woman about it the first day if she hadn't remembered the incident at wainwright. Chicory could wait for now. It wasn't doing much yet, and she had to make sure that confronting Song about it was the best course of action.

Chicory ran with the cart, something that Song seemed somewhat amused about, but slowly she became less and less affable as Chicory just kept on going. She seemed to have thought that Chicory had been overplaying it during the heartfire origin story.

It was truly amazing though that Song had chosen the long version, Chicory hadn't honestly expected that, and so as she ran for the first day after meeting Song, she recounted the perilous adventure of patient zero and the founding of sanctuary.

Somehow the pyros had remained attentive the entire time, even asking questions every so often.

It wasn't very relevant, but it did make Chicory happy that the story had gotten some use.

They finally passed through back into the Mexico area, originally, herself and River had planned on putting a base near the area, but with a base being set up in the great plains already, they didn't really need it yet. Perhaps later on.

They moved ever northward.


Chicory sped down the road, pulling the cart. It would be a strange sight to any unaccustomed to powerful abilities, but Chicory herself was still fairly sure that if she'd seen a stranger doing something similar, she would definitely have looked twice, possibly even taken them in to see Sanctuary's resident therapists and given them her spot in line.

As it was, Chicory ran, pulling a cart filled with a chained up refrigerator, an oddly elegant woman who was apparently Asian, (Chicory hadn't known what that was before Fen and Song had explained it to her.) a guy beside her who kept glaring whenever the woman spoke, and two fairly calm pyros who were resolutely ignoring the antics of the other passengers.

Pulling a cart filled with demons was strange, but it wasn't nearly as strange as some of the things that Chicory had found herself doing in the past.

Her day only got stranger as Song lept to her feet inside the moving cart, screaming for Chicory to, "Stop it there's something coming!!!"

Chicory dutifully stopped in her tracks, glancing back at the pyros curiously, "What? What's coming?"

Song snarled, looking ahead at the road, "Something more powerful than anything I've ever smelled before..." The snarl that had erupted from her throat was unexpected, so strange to see it coming out of a woman who was otherwise the ideal example of decorum and poise.

Fen also looked uneasy, and after a moment of sniffing at the air, Vincent snarled as well. Ephriam looked like he was about to faint, and Chicory turned her head to examine the road, frowning.

What could possibly be so dangerous that they would panic in such a way?

A few moments later, Chicory was blinking in confusion as someone sprinted down the road, straight past them, and kept going for a couple of meters with their headlong run. The person paused and turned back, coming to meet them on the road.

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