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Bella was careful brushing her hair after the shower before pulling it into a ponytail. She wore a simple green shirt and dark worn jeans with converses. She was invited by Edward the morning prior on Friday to join though Nathaniel protested at first. It didn't take much to make him on board once Bella asked him.

Nathaniel, according to Edward did not want her there because of his competitiveness and her ability to distract him making him vulnerable. Bella found it very humorous that he was a competitive player. She didn't understand due to her lack of interest in sports but was willing to try and participate.

After getting ready she went downstairs to where Charlie was at, at the dining room table cleaning his rifle. This could either be good timing or bad timing to let Charlie in on her date with Nathaniel Cullen. Though her father couldn't be that surprised, right? Before approaching him she brought reinforcements.

Holding out a beer Charlie took it with thanks.

"I have a date with Nathaniel Cullen." Charlie froze for a moment before resuming his actions.

"He's a little old for you, ain't he?" His gruff voice said passively.

"No...he's a junior I'm a junior. I thought you liked the Cullens?" She quickly added.

"I thought he was just a 'study buddy.'" He air quoted making Bella blush at the assumption. Her phone buzzed in her pocket making her take it out to check a message from Nathaniel.

"Well things have changed...he's right outside." Charlie took a long drag of his beer before placing it back down.

"He is?"

"Yeah. I wanted you guys to meet officially." He cocked his gun.

"Bring him in."

"Can you be nice? He is kind of important to me." He motioned in a circular direction above his head, feigning an angel. Bella walked away, smiling when she saw Nathaniel through the glass door. She opened the door letting him in. He gave a swift peck to her cheek before following her to where Charlie was sat.

"Chief Swan. It's a pleasure to officially meet you." Nathaniel cracked one of his infamous smiles as he held his hand out to shake. "I'm Nathaniel."

"Hi, Nate." He internally winced but didn't mention anything.

"She won't be out too late. We're just going to go play baseball with my family."


"Yes, that is the plan." Charlie chuckled.

"Bella's going to play baseball. Well... good luck with that."

"Thanks I'm sure I'll need it." He chuckled as Bella lightly swatted at him. "I'll make sure she makes contact." He lagged back as he and Bella began moving towards the door. He turned out of view as Charlie stopped Bella momentarily.

"You still got that pepper spray?" Bella scoffed.

"Yeah, dad." She walked out but not before grabbing her jacket.


"Since when did vampires like baseball?" Nathaniel shook his head as he peered down at her.

"Well." He tucked a stray hair behind her ear as he placed his worn baseball cap on her head. "It's an American pass time. Besides there's a storm coming which is the only time we can play." He slung an arm around her shoulders as they walked over to join his family.

"And why is that?"

"Because the thunder goes boom Bella." She gave him a peculiar look as Emmett and Jasper started cackling in the distance.

Wolf in Sheep's Clothing >>> B. SwanUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum