The Secrets She Kept - Chapter 29

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"You can do this Rosie." I muttered, exhaling sharply as I pulled my shoulders back.

Even from the outside, a tantalising combination of hot coffee and fresh pastries tickled my nose. My stomach rumbled.

Still, I hesitated.

Maybe I should just go home?

A light misty rain fell around me, finding its way through every gap in my clothing and seeping into my skin. My damp hair slipped from its tie, splatting against my neck and sending droplets of cold water down my collar.

I shivered and hurried the last few steps.

The bell jangled overhead in welcome as I pushed open the door to the small coffee shop. The barista behind the counter lifted her head as I entered, a wide smile pulling on her lips. I waved a greeting even as I stamped my feet against the doormat in an attempt to dry my shoes.

It was pointless. I was soaked through. Water dripped from my coat as I stepped further into the shop and closed the door behind me.

"Morning, Rosie," the barista chirped as I approached, her gaze drifting over my shoulder. "No, Richie today?"

I shook my head. "Not just yet, he'll be by later though."

"Your usual?" She asked, hands already picking up a large bucket sized mug for my extra-large cappuccino.

I nodded my head even as my gaze turned to survey the array of tables. Was he here yet? I bit my lip and studied the persons at each of the tables. Did he have my chin? Or how about that man? Did he have my eyes?

"There you go, one large cappuccino with extra chocolate sprinkles."

I blew out a breath and turned back to the barista, pulling the large mug towards me with a smile. "Perfect as always."

She smiled back before her eyes went back to the other customers. "Everything okay? Is this another online date?" She leaned over the counter before murmuring. "I'm happy to give you an out of you need it."

My cheeks heated. The memory of that disastrous encounter with sleazy Steve was something I would rather forget. And yet, it was how I had come to know this coffee shop. It was how I had come to form this – whatever it was – with Kelly.

"No, it's not like that. At least, it's not a date."

"Oh?" She asked, moving back to press a few buttons on the till.

I shrugged. "It's complicated."

"Well, now I'm intrigued. Next time you're in, I want all of the gossip." She teased, as the door jingled merrily behind me. "Tap when you're ready, Rose."

I paid quickly, tucking my bank card into my bag before taking hold of my mug. "Thanks, Kelly."

"You're welcome, Rosie." She grinned before turning to the man now standing beside me. "What can I get you?"

He gave a distracted reply but the words barely registered. Instead, I picked up my mug and hurried over one of the free tables in the centre of the café.

I settled in a chair, my hands cupped around the cappuccino mug, my finger tapping absently against the white porcelain. My gaze alternated between the rapidly shrinking froth in my mug and the dark screen of my phone.

Was I really doing this? Maybe I should have taken Richie up on his offer. Then I wouldn't be sitting here on my own.

My pulse was thudding so loudly that it took a moment to register that there was someone hovering near my table.

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