Matchmaker Mischief

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"With insufferable vanity had she believed herself in the secret of everybody's feelings; with unpardonable arrogance proposed to arrange everybody's destiny. She was proved to have been universally mistaken; and she had not quite done nothing — for she had done mischief."

― Jane Austen, "Emma"

Lucy whispered a final thing into Loke's ear. "Do you understand?"

"Of course," he smirked, but he began to caress her cheek. "However, nights out with boys doesn't really interest me. I would much rather have a night out with you."

She slapped his hand away. "Loke, this is important."

He shrugged off her refusal. "I don't see why. Natsu and Gray have always been at each other's throats. Making them hang out together isn't going to change that."

"It's more than that," she whispered, taking a cautious look over to where Gray was sitting with Erza and Juvia, while Natsu was arm wrestling Gajeel. "It should only be the two of them, though. If you ask and others are around, more people might want to go and that defeats the purpose."

"What purpose is that?" Loke asked curiously.

Lucy did not say. She thought she had seen something more than friendship and rivalry between the two when Natsu was recovering. She had waited, watching, trying to figure out if Happy was right and there was something between them. So far, she had no clue still. Gray seemed fairly content with Juvia, and Natsu generally just ignored that Gray was around. The team had not taken any large missions, nothing that involved a lot of interaction between the two. Erza was trying to keep their missions simple for Natsu's sake, and Gray's leg was still getting stronger.

So far, the idea that Natsu was attracted to Gray, and that Gray might be romantically interested in Natsu, seemed preposterous.

"I win!" Natsu cheered, and Gajeel scowled while rubbing out his wrist.

At his shout, Gray looked around. Natsu had leaped onto the table and was doing a ridiculous victory dance while Gajeel screamed that this did not really count, he had hurt his hand punching some bandits on his last mission, and besides, he was going easy on Natsu. The Fire Dragon Slayer did not listen to such lame excuses. He made silly faces and danced on the table.

Lucy had to laugh, but just then she saw Gray. He was smiling, not rolling his eyes like Erza and most of the others. No, Gray had a smile, and ... was that a blush?

Suddenly, Gray stood up and marched over to the table. "Get down from there before you fall on your head, sulfur-breath. It's my turn now." He sat where Gajeel had been and put up his elbow with his hand ready to grab.

Natsu stopped dancing and looked down. "You're left-handed. I feel like I'm taking advantage of you, wrestling your weaker arm."

"You'll feel like shit when I beat you with my right arm," Gray grinned.

"Oh, hell no, popcicle pants!" Natsu jumped down and settled into his chair. "I'll beat you left or right."

"Then what if we do this my way?" Gray removed his right hand and put up his left. "If you can beat me left-handed, I'll buy you dinner."

"And if you win, I'll buy you a shirt to replace the one that's vanished, you pervy stripper."

They settled together, glaring at one another.

"Loke, go!" Lucy urged.

"Does it matter who wins?" he asked quietly.

"No, just make sure they go somewhere together, and follow the plan."

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