Chapter 33

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"Why did you name her Vagus?" Day demanded, stepping past me with her arm held out, as if she could shield me from the goddess of all. "She is Empire."

"Empire is a covenant name. Your line made a sacred vow and Kairos of Empire has not fulfilled her duties. Vagus is destined to wander, Kairos is no longer welcome at the bosom of Empire," the goddess said, her shining face impassive and unemotional as she delivered this life altering decree. It was like she was discussing the weather and not destroying my newfound commitment to my home and my life's destiny.

"No," I said. I was used to getting my own way, and now that I had my magic back, I was naive enough to think I could influence the decision of an ageless, ancient goddess. I went full Karen and continued. "I refuse to leave. I literally just made a choice to come back and take up my duties as Guardian, so I don't need to be sent away."

"We have spoken," Falreah said. "Our word is law and our decision is our word."

"Who is we?" I asked. "And how can I fight this? I deserve justice, I deserve to have my voice heard!"

"You'd like to dispute our decision?" she asked, looking down at me as if from a great height. "It will be determined and you will be informed."

"When?" I asked, my voice containing a harder edge than I intended. "I want to see them now!"

"When we deem fit," she replied, blinking slowly. As she opened her eyes again, she said, "We will contact you within the next five years. Until that time, you will leave Empire Island and only return when you have earned your place back in the fold."

"Five years?" I exclaimed. "Five years? What am I supposed to do for the next five years?"

"Clean up the mess you have created and humble yourself enough that you recognize the gifts given to you when they come your way," she said, fading from my vision. "And remember that when you take, you must reciprocate..."

"Don't you dare fucking fade away, you bitch!" I exploded, but Calla took my arm and squeezed it hard enough that it hurt.

"Stop," she said, the threat in her voice obvious. "Don't bring their wrath onto the island."

"She just kicked me off the fucking island, or were you sleeping through that little exchange?" I said as I swung around to face her, jerking my arm away. "I wanted to stay and she's making me leave!"

"Is this the first time you've wanted something and been denied?" Calla asked. "You seemed surprised that there are consequences for your neglect."

"I came back and I kicked some demon ass," I said, my rage cooling as I realized Calla was right. I wasn't exactly in a strong position to negotiate with a goddess and one of the celestial creatures that oversaw the separation between the worlds. "If I didn't care about Empire, I wouldn't have come back."

"We know why you returned, Kairos," Day said. Her normally sunny demeanor was replaced by something akin to tired of my bullshit. She wasn't sparing my feelings and I tensed up, waiting for the sting of her words as she continued. "You got scared because the magic from the well source ran low. You lost your luck, you lost your glamour, you lost your youth and you probably panicked over a few gray hairs."

She'd hit me dead on the mark. I had been super fucking selfish before my return. But now I wasn't, at least I was pretty convinced that I'd changed. I understood what my role was, and despite having other things on my mind, I was ready to commit. I owed it to my family and I owed it to my mom for her untimely disappearance at my hands. Because of my ignorance and arrogance.

"I'm ready to do this, though," I said, gesturing to the island at large. "I can give up everything I wanted and come back here and perform my duties. I can sacrifice my freedom and fulfill my vows, I'm okay with that now."

Empire Island, Exile the FirstWhere stories live. Discover now