family drama

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19 , HTX , TX
Monday , 8:35

waking up to my alarm , i read the time i woke up just intime .

my first client was at 9:30 so i had just less than a hour to get ready .

she wasn't getting nothing but some butterfly locs , something simple .

going straight to peaches room , i checked on her seeing she was up staring at the ceiling .

i reached in picking her up , the first thing i felt was that heavy diaper sb had some bad dreams or sumn .

as i changed her diaper i figured i'd call her momma to see where she was .

" hey siri call toya " i spoke to my siri homepod .

" calling toya " she retorted back to me .

as i waited for the call to connect i picked peaches an outfit for the day bc i knew toya would be out for most of the day .

" hello ?" toya's voice spoke throughout the house making peaches smile .

" awe you hear your mommy ?" i cooed .

" anyways toya i was calling to see if you were coming here or if you wanted to meet me ? " i asked

" um , i'll met you there .. when yo first appt ?" she asked

" 9;30 ." i said

" ouu you starting early , how many clientes you got ?" she asked

" maybe 4-5, a busy day " i said .

" i see , well i'll be on my way ina minute " she spoke .

" okay bye , love u ." i said

" love you too ." she spoke and then hung up

" you hungry ?" i asked peaches earning a nod from her .

peaches was 2 , her motor and speaking skills were developing well for her age .

" hmm , want some waffles ?" i said heading to the kicthen .

i sat her in her high chair .. yes im that sister so what ?

i went into the freezer grabbing some chocolate chip ego waffles , them the best idc idc .

i took 2 out , peaches can be a little greedy ngl .

i put them on a plate and started the microwave on a minute , i didn't want them too hot for her .

while he waffles heated up i went and got her ipad sitting it on the high chair .

the microwave went off soon as i got back , i grabbed her waffles and then cut them up and put syrup on them .

i figured as she ate i'd get some hair out , so i did just that .


after 15 mins later i was done w laying my hair out , i took the stand back into my hair room .

while i was doing that i was buzzed , i just buzzed em on up .

probably nobody but toya anyways .

while waiting for them to come up i got peaches cleaned up and got all her things together .

while in the middle of that a knock came to the door .

i opened it , but it wasn't toya .

" hey babyyy." my auntie ranada spoke loud as all get out .

the only time she came down here is around the time of my moms passing anniversary.

i picked up my phone checking the date , my mouth dropped .

my mommy died almost 13 years ago , i was 7 .

i guess today and yesterday i'd been so busy i haven't had the time to think about it .

a day from today my ma died , right infront of me .

" hey auntie ." i spoke .

toya texted me that she was outside so i buzzed her in .

i knew my auntie was about to have a fit , she didn't like toya or my daddy .

she swore my daddy moved on too fast but my daddy didn't get a new girlfriend until i was 15 .

i basically begged him to move on , he thought it would hurt my feelings or feel some type of way but i was okay with it .

i didn't want him to sit around and be sad he needed some joy in his life , and honestly i liked toya .

" how you doing ? ik this is a bad time of the year for you ." she spoke i put on a sad front .

i didn't want her to know that i wasn't sad .

hearing my door open i figured it was toya , when she walked through the door my aunties face scrunched up .

toya had flowers and a gift bag , i guess she remembers too .

" hey baby , how you doing ?" she spoke hugging me .

" excuse me , you don't see us talking ? " my auntie said

" oh , im sorry ." toya steeped back

" no your fine toya " i said as she handed me my gifts .

" ole piece of trash ." my auntie mumbled .

i think toya heard her , she kinda rushed to get peaches and get out of there .

" im sorry ." i mouthed to her as she left .

" you need to stop aunt ranada ." i said

" you too old to be acting like that towards that lady , she ain't did nothing to you." i spat

" you just jealous and bitter my daddy waited almost 8 years to move on and you still not happy ?" i said i was fed up with my auntie .

every since my momma died she'd been trying to control me and my daddy's life , if anything thing you'd think she wanted to be with my daddy her self .

" i j-" " no auntie if you wanna come down her with that drama you can leave ." i spoke cutting her off .

all these years i've tried to be cordial with her and it's never worked .

" the way you acting just shows youn care about my feelings ." i spoke .

" you can leave ranada ." i said pointing towards the door .

she looked at me and then the door , " glady ." she spoke and slammed my door .

i didn't even care .

checking my phone it was 9:25 , i texted my client to confirm her appt shortly after she texted she'd be on her way soon .

i went to my room to put on some clothes , i put on a gray body suit , i made sure to moisturize my feet and then slide on my green bubble slides making my way to my hair room .

i started opening my edge controls and shi , i went over to the sink to rinse my combs off as well .

bye the time i was finished my client texted me she was outside , making me buzz her up .

it was 9:32 , she was right on time .

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