33. Stop her

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Apologies, getting things prepared for my sister's wedding is far more time-consuming than I had previously anticipated. Still, for the sake of my own sanity, I will be attempting to update at least once a week so that I can spend my time on something other than wedding preparations.

Everly's POV

Let's just hope these mercenaries were also given orders to leave me alive. I thought. Otherwise, this was going to be a very short fight.

I breathed in deeply before letting out the breath of air slowly, then I moved. I shoved to my feet, leaping over the fallen tree I had been ducked behind.

I could hear Sam swear, and his shooting increased, trying to draw attention to him rather than me.

It didn't matter because they weren't aiming at me. A couple of gunshots had been fired my way, but that seemed to be out of reflex more than anything else, because the second they realized it was me that had shown myself instead of someone else, they ceased firing my way. Instead, they focused on shooting at Alejandra, Marrek, and Sam. They did not have a clear shot at Quinn, Noelle, or Tessa since they were still ducked behind the fallen tree that was now also behind me.

As soon as I confirmed they weren't going to be sending bullets my way, I sprinted to Alejandra's position. She moved as soon as I was close enough, moving away from the tree she'd been using for cover as she instead took up a position behind me, still firing her gun.

Just like in the underground maze, the mercenaries faltered, unsure exactly what to do as Alejandra and I took steady steps forward. If they removed themselves from their cover, they'd be shot at by Sam and Marrek, of course, Marrek was going to be getting everyone else out of here as soon as we gave them the opening, which would just leave Alejandra, myself, and Sam.

Still, I knew that the moment we got close enough to them, they'd attack us. They'd strike at Alejandra with the intent to kill, and they'd attack me with intentions to subdue and restrain me. Of course, I didn't intend to let that happen.

And I also intended to do things a little differently.

"We're going to move faster," I told Alejandra as she took a moment to reload her gun. "Keep up."

"Yes," She replied as she finished reloading.

"One more thing though," I muttered as I looked at the numerous mercenaries in front of us. I turned over my shoulder to look at Sam who was ducked partially behind a tree a few yards behind me and to my right.

I jerked my head in a gesture that said I wanted him to join us. He didn't say anything, didn't protest, but I could see on his face exactly what he wanted to say.

And you say you don't have a death wish?

I shrugged.

He shook his head, and rushed out from behind the tree, shooting as he went before he ended up behind Alejandra and me.

"I feel there was an easier way to do this," He told me.

I shrugged again. "We're moving," I said instead of responding to him. I pushed off and began running, Alejandra and Sam sticking close behind me and shooting as we went.

Considering the mercenaries were wearing bulletproof vests and helmets, I wasn't really expecting any of them to go down just from a few bullets. That was all good a fine though, because the objective was to get close enough to them that guns would no longer be necessary. Close enough that they would stop shooting at Noelle, Quinn, Tessa, and Marrek and instead begin fighting Me, Alejandra, and Sam in hand-to-hand combat.

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