Yes To The Villainess - chapter 8

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Ethan's POV:

Earlier when Aleris passed out, the whole duchy went into shock and panic again.

Since the doctor didn't arrive early, all the servants did everything they could to wake her up but nothing worked.

After exactly 10 mins since Aleris passed out, the doctor finally arrived.

It took 1 whole hour to see if Aleris was ok, so while in that 1 hour, all the servants were nervous and feared that this time she might have...


But thank god it wasn't that.

When the doctor left, I left the room too 5 mins after the doctor left. I was called by Father that Lilian would visit.

The same girl, the saint of the empire, and also the person who Father assigned to be Aleris's private bodyguard.

At first when I heard that she was gonna be Aleris's private bodyguard a few months ago, of course I didn't agree to it, nor did Luke and mother.

In fact nobody in the whole duchy agreed to it, but no one could argue with Father's decision...

Well except mother but she told us that he had a good reason for it after she confronted him about it.

We beloved our Mothers words but..we still had a strange feeling about Lillian.

One time, we were going into the capital to buy supplies for Xavier studies. We were currently in the carriage at that time when Xavier spoke.

He said "Brothers, what's big sister's relationship with that saint?" He asked me and Luke.

Luke gave him a confused look and asked "sister doesn't have a relationship with that girl, why do you ask?"

"Well I saw them in big sisters garden the other day, they were talking and laughing with each other. They both looked so happy" Xavier said in a low tone as he hung his head low

I was shock at this while Luke was in pure rage "What." Luke said "Calm down Luke, we will just ask Father about it or that girl" I said trying to calm him down.

When we went back home, Luke barged into Fathers office in which I just followed him "Father, Xavier saw Aleris with that girl in the garden, taking and laughing." He said not trying to show his rage but clearly it was still seen

"Lilian is Aleris's private bodyguard, therefore her boss is Aleris. If Aleris wants to be friends with Lilian that's her choice." Father said in a calm but serious tone

"But father-" "Don't you think I already asked Aleris about it, Luke?" Father said in a serious tone now

Luke went quiet as I just watched the both of them

Father sighed "I also saw them in the garden a few times now, I asked Aleris about it and she said that she wanted to be friends with Lilian. Even what the rumors she wanted to be friends with Lilian since she seemed nice"

"But what if she isn't?" Luke said "If she wasn't she would have already done something to Aleris, but she hasn't had she?" Father stated

Luke went quiet and didn't say anything, so I spoke instead

"Father, why did you choose Lilian as Aleris's private bodyguard?" I asked him calmly and politely, this was the questions all of my brothers, the servants, and even mother had

"I chose Lilian as Aleris's private bodyguard because Lilian is a saint, Lilian is a strong person. She can easily eliminate any enemies or threats to Aleris, and no one will ever suspect her since she is a saint"

Father stated, He was right. No one would suspect Lilian of doing something bad or evil since she is a saint plus she had the church on her side and even the royal family's full trust and the also church's trust.

That girl could do something so horrendous and evil and no one would suspect her nor judge her if they ever found out.

That girl had everyone and everything around her fingers to control, and that's what I was worried.

If Lilian received Aleris's trust, what if she did something to her?

What if that girl will make Aleris do something bad?

What if Lilian will do something to affect Aleris's health?

What if a rumor spreads again?

And I was right, A few days after the talk me and Luke had with Father

Death threats started to appear and only Aleris knew at first. Which made her have anxiety, fear, and stress.

After so many death treats she tried to commit suicide, thankfully a servant saw her and called for help a few seconds after she tried to commit suicide.

We were all devastated when we all heard what happened, me, Luke, Xavier, and mother stayed by Aleris's side as she was lying in bed still recovering from the stab on her stomach.

Father, tried to hide the incident from the public but someone still said something. In which that someone vanished from the earth a few days after they said something to the public

Rumors started to spread again and this time Lilian did something, We didn't know what she was gonna do but we knew she was gonna do something.

She acted weird, she went in and out of Aleris's room the first few days after the incident. I guess she did care for our sister after all

After a while she stopped visiting and her rumors spreader far and wide about Lilian's doings.

We didn't know what she was doing until I overheard a servant talking about the rumors.

The rumor stated that The empire's saint was hypnotized or controlled by the villainess and that now that the villainess was gone, her puppet would now do her biding.

The people saw this as what the rumors stated. Some believed it and some didn't, but no matter what they believed. No one protested and no one argued about what the saint did, they turned a blind eye on what their beloved saint did.

Just like what father stated, no one would argue nor disagreed with her decision. Everyone just went with whatever she did, as if she was a goddess in which all her actions would not be questioned.

It took a whole month for her revenge plan to be successful and finished. After that, Everything just went as it is. As if the saint didn't even do anything.

That's the power of being the empire's saint, no one will ever disagree nor question your decision.

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