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chapter eight — Ask for help next time

LUCK WAS NOT ON HER SIDE. Mehr's route of vision veered away from his broad shoulders towards his deeply muscled biceps onto the back of his tapered hair. If she didn't know any better, Khayr was a sight to behold. The expensive cologne he was sporting overpowered her senses, almost intoxicating her. Sneaking glances towards him felt as though she was back to being a silly teenager—peeking looks at her crush in high school.

"We're super happy for you two, beta! Never knew I'd see this happen."

Her father's voice bounced around the room, reaching every guest in the house. Sumayyah's baby blabbers in her arms as she tries to pay attention to their conversation. Seeing Khayr visibly uncomfortable makes Mehr snicker to herself, but seeing the smile on the most important man in her life retaliated that feeling. Her stomach drops at the sight, feeling resentful for lying to her baba.

"You look like a pro already," Sumayyah giggles before sitting beside her.

Everyone around her is full of smiles, laughs and joy, yet here she is, holding a baby and feeling so out of place. "I wouldn't say pro yet."

"With how things are going with my brother, I assume you will become a pro in no time." The words are whispered, but they were loud enough for Khayr's ears to perk as he slightly turns his head in their direction.

Their eyes met in a fury. Her cheeks warm up at the intensity. One thing about him was that his eyes shone so brightly that they burned her. Never in her life had she felt the sensation he made her body feel. Kahyr was like an enigma Mehr refused to explore—she didn't trust her heart; she wasn't ready to be burned.

Clearing her throat, she avoids his eye contact, "We're still early in our relationship."

It pains her to lead her loved ones on. Sumayyah has always been one of her role models. Her bright and mature personality was something Mehr wished she had. Needless to say, she is getting there—she hoped, at least.

"I hope he is treating you right. If he isn't, you know where to find me." The laugh accompanying her comment should be making her feel at ease, but on the contrary, she feels embarrassed.

"Oh, yeah. . . he's been amazing. You don't have to worry about that." Her voice wavers at the beginning, not knowing how to go about this whole ordeal. Mehr hopes she didn't catch on her facade.

Before Sumayyah could continue interrogating her, Khayr's mother came into her view. A soft smile gracing her face, "Mehr, sweetheart, could you please go to the kitchen and get some plates? I would, but I need to take Lala to the bathroom."

"Of course."

Adjusting the pallu of her saree, she stands up, carefully returning the baby that was in her lap. The opportunity to escape came, and she couldn't take it fast enough. Her chest heaves slightly as she walks away with frantic steps, making the jhumkas in her ear sway with heavy force. That is until she sees the man she has been avoiding the whole night stand in front of her—basking under the dim lights of the kitchen.

"Never expected to see you in the kitchen."

Khayr pauses pouring the drinks, his shoulders twitching at the sound of her voice intruding on his qualm. "How can you expect something from me when you don't know me yet?"

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