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1 February 2014Thursday10:20

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1 February 2014

It's been a week, and Snow has still been having dreams of Melly and each and every one of them breaks another piece of her heart.

She was currently at Canes eating breakfast with Von so they could have a proper conversation on what has been happening.

"Ma do you think he is sending you signs, or warnings sum like that?" Von asked eating some of his fries.

"Yeah, I'm scared Von, if he's still alive, that means he escaped actual death." Snow said softly taking a sip of her drink.

"I know ma, but everythings going to okay, I'm sure he won't hurt you." Von tried his best to comfort.

"No it's not okay Von, i dont care if he hurts me, he's going to hurt my family." Snow said as a tear slipped from her eye.

This was the softest Von had ever heard her speak, the slightly deep, seductive tone was gone, she was now experiencing real emotions like a real human.

"Look ma, if he really is ali-"

"Yasmine is outside." Snow cut him off causing him to turn around looking at Yasmine who had a worried look on her face.

"Let's go."Von said placing money on the table and grabbing Snows hand, leading her outside.

Getting in Von's car, the two turned to look at Yasmine who was in the backseat.

"Um When we were going to dispose of Melly's body, it wasn't there." She said quietly.

Snow and Von looked at each other as tears filled Snow's eyes once again.

"But seems like you already know." Yasmine said.

"Go tell everyone." Von said making her nod, and disappear.

"Von, Von go home!" She shouted feeling a pain in her chest.

Von's eyes widened seeing bloody tears pouring from her eyes as sweat dripped from her forehead.

Quickly starting up the car, Von pulled off, zooming down the street, in the direction of Snow's house.

"Von hurry!" She shouted feeling herself get nauseous.

"I'm trying ma." He whispered going as fast as he can, not caring about red lights, and since most people were at work it was easier for him to get down the roads.

After about 2 minutes the two arrived.

Snow rushed out of the car, barging through the front door, with Von following behind her.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 10, 2023 ⏰

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