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August White

"If you think this constitutes as an apology, it's really sorry." I spoke, forking hash browns into my mouth. He'd come this morning and carried us to Ihop for breakfast. Personally, I was enjoying the food and our waiter was really sweet in helping me try out a new hot chocolate.

"I hardly think so, I drove all this way-"

"All this way to apologize for being a fuck ass bitch." I sat my fork down staring at him. Confrontation was never my strong suit but for the mean man in front of me it was necessary.

"Don't cuss at me."

"I'm sorry, did that hurt your feelings?" I pouted.

"I understand what I said was harsh and completely disrespectful. I sincerely apologize." he sighed.

"All of this for what, all of this back and forth when you could have been honest and telling." I sat back in my seat.

"I'm twenty, I've got one sibling and his name is Amatore. My parents are cool and they are usually traveling. I like music and I can play the guitar." This was his definition of getting to know him.

I look to the window beside me and take a deep breath "When I said I wanted to get to know you, I didn't mean grab the most generic facts and put them on a notecard for me to read-"

"You're not reading-" he tried to interrupt.

"And you're a dick." I turned my head back looking him straight in the eyes. "Were you dropped on your head as a child?" I tilted my head.

"Haha very funny, such a comedian." his jaw ticked. "In my family and world you are to be married by 25 and sure you talk about relationships now but what about when I have to get married, are you gonna go through that with me?"

"If I loved you, yea maybe but all this could have been avoided if you would just tell me the truth you spew nonsense and insult me just to give me a simple answer that would have been great a week ago."

"September, what're you doing up so early?" a voice bellowed, getting closer. The owner put a hand on my shoulder.

"Umm a friend wanted to talk, otherwise I would have still been asleep." I smiled.

"That's what's up, also what time should I pick you up to drive back?" his eyebrows up in question and I knew his game.

"I'll call you later about it."

"And you are?" Brazen's voice was deep and his eyes were a bit darker than before.

"Oh, I'm her best friend, Ethen." he put his hand out to be shook but Brazen squinted his eyes before engaging.

"Right, Aug here has talked so much about you." he smiled.

"All good things I hope?"

"Of course." Brazen's smile was tight-lipped while Ethen said goodbye.

"I've never said a word to you about that man liar." I threw my head back in laughter.

"Are we good now?" he completely disregarded my statement.

"We'll see."

"Just in case, I got you something to apologize with." he went to his pockets pulling out a black velvet container handing it to me.

"I would speak against receiving gifts from you but something about your groveling does it for me." I opened the container and there sat a gold chain with an infinity on it.

"I really like you, and I won't give up so just know, I'm here for infinity." it was cheesy but I wouldn't deny the thought that went into it.

"That's really sweet."

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