Chapter 8: Hoseok

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Word count: 1664

POV: Hoseok 

JUNG HOSEOK DIDN'T want to make her upset, but it had to be done. Over the past few months, he had grown closer to her. Sure, he didn't love her, but he enjoyed her presence. For the past four weeks, he had been waiting for the day she visited Korea to have the talk.

He had met Hettie in New York when they were performing on the Jimmy Fallon show. She worked as a translator for networks and often traveled around the world. Hobi was attracted to her at first sight and often had a laugh when he was around her.

Early on in their relationship, they made a pact. When either of them found their soulmates, they would end things. That was what Hobi had to do now.

Hettie seemed joyous over the phone when they last spoke. It sent another pang of guilt into his heart. They had an agreement, and he knew she would walk away but it still hurt knowing she'd be upset.

When the doorbell rang, Hoseok took a moment to collect himself before opening it.

Hettie stood in front of him, wearing a pantsuit. Her dark hair was tied in a messy bun and her brown eyes twinkled in delight at the sight of him. She made a move to kiss him, but he stepped back, resisting.

That was the first sign something was wrong. Hettie frowned but masked away her emotions.

"Hey sunshine, how are you doing?" She said instead, slipping a charming smile back on her face.

"I'm good," He replied, monotonously.

He led her instead of his private dorm. She was familiar with the place but still followed him as if she had never been there before. She sat down on the couch whilst he asked if she wanted anything to drink. She asked for water and shed her coat.

When he returned, he gave her the water and sat on the couch opposite her, giving them space.

Hoseok cleared his throat, attempting to form a sentence in his brain.

"Hobi, what is it? I can tell you're anxious about something. You're acting...differently" She said, always noticing tiny little things. She was very observant. Hobi sucked on his bottom lip and fiddled with his fingers.

"Yeah, um, there's something I have to tell you," He said, hesitantly. "I found my soul mate."

There was a pregnant pause in the room. Hettie stared at him in shock, processing what he had just said.

Then a smile spread across her face, "That's great news! I'm so happy for you."

Hobi blinked, stunned. "Wait, what?"

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