Chapter Thirty Five

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"I don't understand why you still have to go especially so soon after you just got hurt." Hannah protests deploying the sad puppy eyes.

I'm usually powerless when she does this to me but today I've put on multiple layers of resolve and protection against them. I'm not excited to be apart from her but it's been a while since I saw or talked to my baby brother and I can't delay our reunion any longer.

"Mami, I'm going to see my baby brother." I answer even though she already knows this.

She is driving me to the airport so we can draw out the goodbye before I leave.

"I understand but you're still healing, give yourself another week." She pleads.

I smile at her and caress her cheek. "That's what you said last week. I'm fine."

The beating I got took me down proper as they did a number on me but I've had my own personal nurse taking care of me from the moment I passed out at her door. I'm already starting to feel better and don't need my pain meds as much.

"Diego will be happy to see you, he keeps asking if I've talked to you." Hannah relents knowing she can't change my mind.

"Even more reason for me to go and its only for a week. I'll be back before you know it." I console lifting the back of her free hand to my lips.

Hannah takes her eyes off the road for a moment to glance at me giving me an accepting smile. We haven't been apart for more than a few hours ever since I was released but now her life is going back to normal and its time I start figuring out my own outside prison starting with a surprise visit to my baby brother. I can't wait to see Diego and the look on his face when he sees me.

"I'll miss you." Hannah whispers getting teary eyed.

"I'll miss you too but I won't be gone long. When I get back we'll start looking for a food truck to purchase." I inform her.

I expect some excitement from her because it was her idea but she goes silent on me. I give her a look demanding an explanation for her silence.

"What is it?"

"Would you be mad if I told you that I already found a truck and made an offer for it?" She whispers looking at me carefully to gauge my reaction.

"You did what?"

"Don't be mad but you told me that your PO is rushing you to get a move on with a job. I went online and found one that is perfect for you, it's a bit of a fixer upper but it's amazing. I think, no I know that you will love it." Hannah says trying to sell me a food truck that she apparently has already bid on without letting me know.

I expect to feel emasculated that she did this behind my back without asking for my opinion but I don't. She did it out of the goodness of her heart, for the love that she feels for me.

"Thank you mami." I answer shortly.

"Are you mad at me?" She whispers as she expected a different reaction.

"No I'm not but at least let me pay for the truck since you did all the work of finding it, saving me a lot of time." I request her.

She nods happily, "I can do that."

"Perfect, we'll go pick it up when I'm back and start working on it." I reply.

"I'd like that."

I kiss her hand again thanking God and Darius for blessing me with a girl like Hannah. She is the best thing that has happened to me in a while and she makes life worth living.

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