Chapter 39: The One With Batman

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"When you're in jail, a good friend will be trying to bail you out. A best friend will be in the cell next to you saying, 'Damn that was fun.'"— Groucho Marx

I did it. I said yes.

It feels reckless, the fact that I have barely survived a bad relationship before jumping straight into another.

Was it a wise move? I don't know.

Am I happy about it? More than I should be...

It's inexplicable, but I have an innate calmness about my future with Shehzer. Maybe because he makes me feel things I have never felt before, or maybe because the differences between Areeb and Shehzer are reassuring.

Where Areeb is reckless, and adrenaline fueled, Shehzer remains cool, calm and collected. Areeb is like the ocean; ephemeral, treachorous, and unpredictable, Shehzer is like the rock that stands stubbornly against it, refusing to bow down.

Eye roll from EMV at my horrifyingly poetic turn of thoughts; 'Someone check on Sylvia Plath. She must be rolling in her grave.'

Once I said yes, it seemed like an invisible weight was lifted from my shoulders. I woke up in the middle of the night to pray for my future, and I found infinite comfort in simply leaving it all in God's hands. I mean, what can we ever hope to accomplish by needless worrying? What is meant to be, will be. After Areeb, I doubt anything will serve to shake my belief in fate, because nobody could have expected him to turn out the way he did.

Ma and Dad are beyond ecstatic. Ali is surprisingly un-surprised by this development, which makes me suspicious that he might have had something to do with the proposal. Adiba is already planning bridal showers and Nikah dresses for the two of us. We are still mapping out the whole schedule for this.

Shehzer still has a month of internship left in Lahore, and even though he wants to shift back to the original Karachi Hospital, he thinks it will be too unprofessional and childish to make the switch again. He had to leave early the next morning after the Valima, and I felt slightly depressed at his departure.

"Why the long face? It's only a month Minnie, and I'll visit every weekend. I promise." He grins at me, stuffing his backpack inside the Metro Cab.

I buried my face in Simba's fur, as I managed a sleepy snort.

"I'm not sad at your leaving. I'm not one of those typical Mashriqui (Eastern) clingy females, who pine away during their partner's absence..."

His grin widens as he advances towards me, "Oh yeah? Then what kind of female are you?"

My morning voice is raspy enough to pull it off; "I'm Batmaaan"

His eyes darken as they meet mine, "You're most definitely not a man Mina." He crouches low to stroke Simba, who meows in ecstasy. Lucky Feline. "I can't wait to make you mine." He whispers before leaving me breathless, and tingling with energy. I'm sorry to say I pined away for an entire day like a typical mashriqui clingy female.


"Before you all leave for work, we need a family meeting." Dad announces at the breakfast table. Ali and Adiba quit playing footsie under the table to stare at him. Ma nods to this statement. Hmm. Sounds curious.

Ali clears his throat, "Yeah actually we wanted to say something as well." He grins at Adiba, who turns pink.

Dad gestures at him to continue, "You go first, son."

"Uh, Adiba and I, are taking a few weeks off from work. Kind of want to travel someplace together..."

I chewed on my toast, "Like a Honeymoon?" I love making these two uncomfortable.

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