Chapter 37 - Best Friend vs Best Friends

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I couldn't think of a better word to describe this day other than that.

It was indeed surreal.

The kiss. The confession.

I didn't actually expect any o f these to happen.

I started this day with one mission in mind.

To ask him why he was being distant to me again, why he was back in ignoring me after giving that lovely birthday surprise. I just wanted to get to the bottom of all this—to let him know how his actions were affecting me.

And to finally confess and tell him how I really feel.

To confess my feeling and let him know that he has won this deal before I even realized it.

At some point today, I thought Chad didn't care about me. That he wanted nothing to do with me anymore. I even considered the idea of giving up.

But then he showed up. He came.

And everything fell into place.

He told me he lost.

Then he kissed me.

And to make it much more unbelievable, he knew about my feelings, what I really feel about him, and that he felt the same, too.

I finally let out the squeal that I was suppressing since Chad left. Only god knows how long I had been standing here, still thinking—wondering even, how on earth this wonderful thing happened to someone like me!

But then again, upon recalling what Chad had said before he left, I couldn't help but feel a little bit of uncertainty.

Wait a minute.

Did I just assume that he loves me, too? Maybe he thought I was talking about me liking him? And that he only meant that he likes me too, not love? Because love was too big of a word to swallow.

Oh God!

I should have made it clearer, I should have made it more obvious and said it the way it should be!

Why, Courtney? Why?

All this time, I thought I finally made peace with myself and to stop worrying about these things. And then this happened?

I scoped out my phone—ready to send Chad a message to ask him if he got home safe, and to just be straightforward and ask if we were on the same page. It sounded so downright stupid and desperate!

But I am stupid and... I dare not say the other one.

Eventhough I was feeling determined, I didn't manage to send him a message. My attention was diverted to something else. I was stunned by the number of missed calls from my friends. It was a lot, and when I say it's a lot, there were tons!

Feeling uneasy and concerned, I called Terry first as she was the last one who rang me.

3 minutes ago, how come I didn't notice her calling me 3 minutes ago?

Isn't it obvious?

Okay, I ignored the inner voice in me as I already knew I wasn't myself during the time they were trying to get to me through my phone. I was worried, the amount of missed calls bothered me.

Maybe there was an emergency? I felt bad for not answering any of them right away.

There was one ring when I heard Terry shouted, "Where the hell are you!"

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