35 Anger and Control

790 74 19

Nao/Rosalin's Point of View

Henrietta picks up her things and start walking away with her plate, causing me to scramble after her, mostly because I wasn'tprepared that we were going right now this instant. We give the plates to the kitchen chefs, and then she leads me down the thick stone halls, towards the living space areas of the castle. When she finally stops and opens one of the doors, it leads to what seems like a small living room with surprisingly large windows compared to everywhere else in the fort. Well, except for the chapel of course.

It's quite bright in here, and the wallpaper is a very light yellow, with white flower like patterns. For a moment, it doesn'tlook like I'm in a fort, but rather a historical western mansion. It feels a little museum-y. As I glance around curiously, she motions for me to sit down on one of the large, soft looking chairs.


I obey. As I had almost expected, I think it's  the softest chair I've ever sat in, and i feel like I almost sink into the polstering. Henrietta smiles at my reaction, and sits down across from me, crossing her legs as she gets comfortable.

"We will be traveling to the capital soon, according to Mia. Of course, as you're Mia's maid, you'll be going with us. The knight you brought along will too, where his future will be decided. Since he's one of the first prince's subordinates it might be... a bit troublesome."

...so they might judge a dead man to death... how would Theodore react if he was attacked and I wasn't? Would he even allow himself to be taken away from me?

As if to ease my worries, Henrietta continues.

"I'm considering to get house Nightridge to cover for him, and make them put him under their employ. House Nightridge were supporters of the first prince, that were spared, in part because of their economic importance, and in part, because my fiancé is the current Lord Nightridge-"

"You have a fiancé?!"

Bursts out of me before I can stop it. I mean, she was flirting heavily with Mia! Is this one of those harem things again? My thoughts stop as Henrietta giggles at my reaction. She's even covering her mouth a bit to keep a bit of decency.

"You're that shocked?" She giggles out, her eyes actually smiling at me this time.

"...It's just..."

"It's fine," Henrietta stops me from explaining, and gathers herself a bit.

"Yes, I am quite happily engaged. He knows about Mia's interest in me, of course. Not that I would be in legal trouble for taking her on as a lover if needed while we are both married to different people."

She opens up a cabinet next to her chair and takes out a bottle of what looks to be alcohol, and a glass. Pouring herself a glass of the almost golden looking liquid.

"Of course, I expect you to not say anything about the thing in the hall to Mia. Seeing as her satisfaction is quite directly correlated to the fate of our country."

She takes a sip as I lower my head. Ah, it's one of those conversations.

"Of course..."

Henrietta is quiet for a moment, as if she's thinking about how to continue.

"Regarding your conflict with house Troyfort... well, Johannes rather one sided paranoia against you. He's coming at you because of his feelings towards Theodore."

I almost jolt at the change of topic, and quickly look up at Henrietta. But... what does she mean by that? Does he know that it's Theodore up there? Henrietta's expression changes, and she looks somber as she continues, uncrossing her legs, and caressing the glass in a soft of comforting motion.

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