Chapter 44

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-2 days later

Orario was bustling with excitement as soon as the sun rose up to the sky. Today marks the start of the tournament where the strongest level 5s of the city will fight it out to see who is the one who stood on top.

The city was very much alive as travelers from all over the continent came to see the spectacle.

The event was much bigger than anyone ever anticipated it to be and it is all thanks to Hermes. Living up to his title as the messenger of the gods he let the word out all over the continent.

One of these travelers finally arrived at Orario.


*Unknown PoV*

"So this is Orario?" I looked in awe at the sight of the beautiful city, it was brimming with life as the street was crowded by so many people. "It's so much cooler in person."

The place was like a living tapestry of life and culture as multiple races, some of them I haven't even seen before coincide with one another. It made me realize that Orario really is the center of everything here in this world.

"But why are there so much more people here?" I asked no one in particular except myself as I looked around the place. Wherever I look there's always a group enjoying, some even day drinking which can't be responsible if you ask me.

"Haven't you heard? There's a tournament today in the city." I heard a random voice besides me. I moved my head to look only to see no one. "Uhmm... I'm here." the voice sounded again and from the sound of it, it came from below. I looked down to find a little girl with chestnut-colored hair, and dog ears.

Holy shit is that fucking Lili? She looks just like what she looks like in the anime except in real life. Wait... Dog ears... Holy shit she's trying to scam me. Should I play along?

"Uhmmm... Is everything ok?" her voice snapped me out of my train of thoughts as she looked at me with those innocent chestnut-colored eyes of her's.

"Yeah..." I nodded way too fast for my liking. "Everything is dandy." what the fuck am I saying? Dandy? Really? Why the fuck am I giving her a thumbs up?

"Okayyy..." she answered awkwardly, and I swear I could even see her lips twitch as she smiles. She must think I'm super weird.

Time to change the subject. "Anyway, what's this about a tournament?" good job me.

"Right tournament." she fixed herself out of her awkward smile and continued. "The city is holding one to determine the strongest level 5. Personally I think the gods are just having a competition on who has the largest ego."

Wait... Was this in canon? "So a fight between all the level 5s huh. Seems interesting." I really do find this interesting, even though I already know who will win. I'm not a hundred percent sure of it but the odds point that Ais will win this event due to the plot of the anime.

"If you say so..." She answered me dryly which made me wonder why.

"Fighting is not your thing I take it?" I asked.

"It's not that, it's just I'm a supporter and since the announcement of the tournament less and less teams have been diving in the dungeon so..."

"No income for you huh." I finished her sentence. So she ran out of victims and now has her sight on me, a new face in the city who looks like a country hick.

"Yeah..." she looked down at her feet. Moments later she shook her head and looked at me. "Sorry about that. I didn't mean to bore you with my problems." she smiled charmingly at me. "Anyway you look like new here, do you perhaps need a guide to show you around the city?"

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