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the hunt

THE WOODS are where the huntress, under the lead of Lady Artemis, are most often. There is comfort under the leaf roof that hides them from the sun during daytime. With Lady Artemis as your leader, it is logical to like the night more with the moon and stars to guide your way. On days they are not busy the campfires are epic and go well into the night. The wolves protecting and alerting them on monsters that form a threat.

"You're too slow," Naomi shouts at Elowyn as she runs away from the latter one laughing, "you are never going to catch me at this speed."

Elowyn merely grunts as she picks up her pace. It is no secret that Naomi and Elowyn are the most childlike in their nature. The two 14-year-olds, who were almost 15 when they joined the hunt, always had been running around together as soon as they met. They both had chosen an 'older' sister between the other huntresses without difficulty. Naomi chose Phoebe who is the sweetest person and greatest healer among them; and Elowyn the closed off and strict Zoë Nightshade. Both 'older' sister girls had been with Lady Artemis before their respective 'younger' sister joined, and surprisingly they both accepted the little troublemakers as closer sister then the other huntresses.

Maybe the fact that Zoë saw something in Elowyn helped, as she always made the latter one help her and make her do the harder tasks. Phoebe on the other hand simply found the connection she felt enough, and she knew Zoë felt one to the latest one of them, Elowyn, too.

"You are a sore loser," Elowyn laughs as she finally catches up and Naomi starts to talk nonsense, "but I would love to hear your stories."

A smile forms on the girl, "only if you tell one of yours," Naomi raises an eyebrow, "we all know yours are superior El."

"You flatter me too much," the red head shakes her head as they pick a place by the fire.

Many nights go like this one, it starts with mischief and ends with stories and songs around the campfire. Elowyn is content with it, way better than her past seeing as she grew up in a monastery where the incense always tickled her nose. The smell of campfires feeling as freedom as only happy memories link back to them. No, her past before the hunt isn't one, she likes to talk about. If she'd know she was what she is, well let's just say she would've sticked closer to the dark walls of the convent, or not. Because she learnt quite early in her life that bad things hide in the darkness, and walls. Well, let's just say she has already seen more than enough walls for a lifetime.

"Come on, one more story," Naomi begs her friend to start another one.

Elowyn laughs loudly and her chest flutters at the compliment that they want another one, "At least give me a subject to tell a story about." The girl raises her eyebrows in question.

"Not today," the strict voice of Zoë silences the group, "Elowyn needs to do go to our Lady, I am sorry Naomi."

Elowyn smiles brightly, sticking out her tongue to Naomi before getting up to follow the lieutenant. She does a little jog to catch up to her before she falls back in line with her.

"Is it about the scent again?" Elowyn speaks up, moving to a more serious approach, one she usually finds herself in around Zoë, especially lately.

Zoë nods, "Lady Artemis wants to talk to you about it," she looks at the smaller girl, "I tried changing her mind, but she thinks you can help. Of course, I do not want you to."

"My curse," the red head mumbles, "I hoped to stay clear of that for another 50 years."

"We don't know for sure what our Lady wants," Zoë tries to comfort her sister. "But I am here along every step of the way. I promised it."

"Just like I promised our Lady to follow her and her orders," Elowyn smiles sadly, "but you are right, we aren't oracles, we can't predict the future."

Once, Zoë and Elowyn enter the tent, Lady Artemis is already talking to Phoebe.

"Ah, come in Elowyn and Zoë," the goddess invites them to sit with them, smiling kindly at her dear followers, "Phoebe was just telling me what the watch has seen."

"Are we getting closer to it?" Elowyn dares to speak up, "the scent I mean?"

"I believe we might reach a clearer path tomorrow," Lady Artemis explains, "otherwise I want to ask of you to enter with 2 people of your choice, ruling out Zoë."

"You cannot ask that of her," Zoë objects, "sending two people doesn't make it safer. You know how it went last time."

"We don't have a lot of choices; the watch didn't get clear information again. Just like we did not today." Phoebe says with a sad smile, "I'd volunteer to go."

"Phoebe is right," the goddess shakes her head. "The problem needs to be gone before the winter solstice; we need to make sure it won't return anytime soon."

"It is only the 14th of December tomorrow," Zoë complains, "at least allow me go with her."

"No," Elowyn finally speaks up, "it is okay, tomorrow we know more and if we even have to go in." She takes a deep breath, "I know it isn't ideal, but if I go in with Phoebe and Naomi it will be better than alone. Lady Artemis is right; you need to stay with the huntresses. We can't know for sure we are out on time."

"You can't mean this," the lieutenant looks into Elowyn's eyes. "I promised I'd go with you the next time; you can't ask me to break it."

"It was on the Styx, right?" Lady Artemis asks them, hoping it wasn't.

"Yeah," Zoë nods shamefully, always saying people they shouldn't promise things on the river, but then she herself did. "I am sorry, my Lady."

The goddess waves it away, "then if Elowyn must go in, you will enter with her and a third companion if you find that necessary, Phoebe and Naomi stay with me. They take over instead of you if something is to happen or you two take too long."

"Of course," the lieutenant nods, "let's hope it we will not have to."

"We know too little for me to rule it out," Lady Artemis says, smiling sadly, "but do try to find some rest, we have a long day tomorrow."


nora speaking!

sorry for never updating a first chapter after I updated the frist two parts, my bad

anyway, thanks to the percy jackson series (which i love so far) i finally managed to rewrite and complete this chapter. hope yall enjoy <3

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