Chapter 7

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I sprinted down the hallways, the excitement building with every step. I couldn't wait to see my boys again, to feel their warmth and laughter surround me. Passing the family having a late brunch, I didn't spare them a glance. My focus was solely on the door that led to the outside world where my boys awaited.

With a burst of energy, I flung the grand foyer door open and there they were. Ethan, with his contagious smile, opened his arms wide as I launched myself into them. He spun me around, planting kisses on my face, and I couldn't help but laugh, feeling his love envelop me.

But my attention quickly shifted as Liam snatched me from Ethan, pulling me into a tight embrace. He held me close, his presence comforting and familiar. I teased him about being creepy when he took a deep sniff, and we both chuckled, relishing the lightness in the air.

Finally, I stepped into Jake's waiting arms, surrendering to his embrace. The world faded away as I melted into his warmth, finding solace in his strength. It felt like home.

But then, a throat cleared behind us, shattering the moment of bliss. We turned, still wrapped in each other's arms, and there stood Matteo, a gun pointed at Jake's head. Panic surged through me, and I stepped in front of Jake, attempting to shield him from harm. But Jake, in an act of defiance, set me aside and faced the gun head-on.

Matteo, with a mocking tone, addressed Jake by another name, a Russian name. Confusion clouded my mind as I glanced at Ethan and Liam, seeking answers, only to be met with shrugs. Matteo then turned to me, his voice dripping with malice, and questioned if Jake had not revealed the truth to me.

"What truth?" I asked, my voice filled with disbelief, my eyes locked on Jake's retreating form. But he refused to meet my gaze, and so Matteo, relishing in his cruel game, divulged that Jake was the heir to the Russian mafia throne. His family was believed to be dead long ago, and Jake was apparently not only rich but also a mafia boss.

I stared at him, searching for an explanation, but Jake, or whoever he truly was, offered no words. I scoffed, pushing him away, my voice laced with coldness as I commanded him to leave. The walls around my heart grew taller, shielding me from the pain that threatened to consume me.

As Ethan, Liam, and Jake left, my gaze turned towards Olivia, who had spoken from the shadows. She accused me of being ungrateful, claiming that Matteo was only trying to protect me and ensure my happiness. I halted in my tracks, my eyes burning with intensity, as I slowly walked towards her.

"You talk about my safety, but that's the last thing anyone here cares about," I hissed, my voice dripping with darkness. "You brought me here to ease your guilt, to pretend that you had my best interests at heart. But you don't have the right to say a single word to me, especially you. We may have shared a birth, but you chose to cut me out before I could even utter my first words."

The room fell silent, my words hanging in the air like a heavy fog. The family watched, their faces filled with anticipation and perhaps a hint of remorse. But I had said my piece, my heart aching yet resolute. I turned away, ready to retreat to the safety of my room, leaving behind a family shattered by their own choices.

I lay in my bed, my head pounding and tears staining my cheeks. Hours of sobbing had left me drained, but the pain in my heart remained. No one had come to fetch me for dinner, and strangely, I found solace in that solitude.

A tap on my window startled me, and cautiously, I made my way to the balcony door. To my surprise, there stood Jake, or should I say Killan now. I let him in, my voice laced with bitterness as I spoke, "Should I call you Jake, or is it Killan now?"

His frown deepened as he took in my bloodshot eyes, concern etching his features. I scoffed and settled back on my bed, while he walked beside me. He asked for a chance to explain, his words gentle and careful, as if afraid I would slip away from him. I nodded softly, for he was the last person I wanted to lose, and his sigh of relief warmed my heart.

"Harvey, please listen to me," he began, his voice trembling with emotion. "When I was just five years old, my home was attacked. I witnessed the brutal murder of my parents right in front of my eyes."

My breath caught in my throat as I absorbed the weight of his words. I reached out, my hand finding his, offering what little comfort I could.

"The people who came for them were actually after me," he continued, his voice strained. "But in a cruel twist of fate, they mistook my best friend, Declan, for me. They killed him, thinking they had succeeded in taking my life."

Tears welled up in his eyes, and my heart ached for the pain he had endured. I couldn't bear to see him suffer alone, so I climbed onto his lap, wrapping my arms around his neck and my legs around his waist. He held me tightly, his head resting on my shoulder as tears flowed freely from his eyes.

After a few moments, he composed himself and met my gaze. "Harvey, I am the heir to a powerful throne, but until I turn twenty, I cannot access any of the funds or privileges associated with it. I didn't want to burden you with the weight of my truth, but I couldn't bear the thought of losing you either."

Confusion mingled with sympathy in my eyes as I looked at him. "Why are you telling me all this now?"

His expression softened, and he cupped my face in his hands, his thumbs wiping away my tears. "Because you're you, Harvey. I would rather risk everything, including my own heart, than see you leave me because I was too afraid to be honest with you. You deserve the truth, no matter how difficult it may be."

His words pierced through the darkness surrounding us, filling my heart with a glimmer of hope. I rested my head against his like I had done so many times before and smiled as our tears mingled and the wind softly blew in our faces.

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