665 23 25

may 20th, 2022

running out of his house, dal grabbed his bag, panicking as he was going to be late. "i'm screwed i'm screwed i'm screwed." he huffed, hailing a taxi. "where are you going?" the driver said, a hot coffee in the cup holder. pulling out his phone, dal checked the location, relaying it to the driver as they took off.

looking out the window, dal put his jvke playlist on shuffle, his phone buzzing in his pocket.

mingyu :)



m alr :/

whats wrong bubs :(

m sleepy TT
and my legs are sore
but im better now that you're here :)

dal blushed, smiling to himself as they got stuck in minor traffic, the driver tapping the wheel anxiously.

i can get you coffee?

i would cry yes please

no crying :(

fine :/

im fine
im sleepy too
wooseok kept me awake :/

you need sleep :(

coming from you

i got to go :(
i had wonwoo get me some food
from the cafe down the street
and he's back :/

ok byebye!

bye mwua mwua

looking out the window, dal's felt a bright smile on his face as he handed the taxi driver the money, running into the next door cafe. "welcome!" the barista said, dal walking to the cashier. "can i get two iced americanos and a chocolate croissant?" the cashier nodded, dal sliding them his card, looking out the window. "it'll be ready in a minute." smiling, he took the card back, waiting by the queue.

"here you go." the barista smiles, dal taking the drink carrier and pastry in his hand, waving as he entered the building, showing the staff his hybe id. going through the metal detector, dal bowed as he made his way through the halls, finding seventeen's green room. "i'm here." he smiled, waving to eunjoo. "good. wooseok and kyung-hwa are still not here yet." the supervisor said, dal holding his breath in.

walking to his station, dal handed mingyu the cup of coffee, the boy latching onto him. "mingyu-" "thank you my savior!" not knowing how to react, dal patted the back of his head. "please help me wonwoo." smirking, wonwoo put another jollypong in his mouth, dal's face dropping. "no can do. i'm not trying to get killed." "smart of you wonwoo!" mingyu smiled, rubbing dal's back.

"gyu let me go." "fine." he pouted, dal rubbing his hair. sitting on the table, dal opened the croissant, taking a bite from the pastry. "is it good?" dal nodded, mingyu grabbing his cheek. "i'll beat you up." "you can try. you're 11 centimeters shorter than me."

"seventeen, you're going on in 30 minutes. make sure you're ready." finishing his breakfast, dal looked at mingyu, his eyes drooping as he clung to dal's arm. "sleep." he said, pushing mingyu's hair back, mingyu letting go and closing his eyes, drifting off. putting primer on his face, dal started on the base makeup, gently holding mingyu's chin.
brushing the powder off of his foundation, putting on his eyeshadow, dal finishing it up with a setting spray before patting his head.

"dal, can you do minghao's makeup? wooseok's sick leave just came in." frowning, dal nodded, putting in one airpod before walking to dal's station. "hello." he bowed, minghao smiling at him. "jangmi noona had done my base before chan had gotten here." "okay. can you close your eyes for me?" nodding, minghao closed his eyes, dal quickly finishing his eye makeup.

opening his eyes again, minghao smiled, dal meeting mingyu's puppy eyes. "why did you leave?" "i had to work." dal said, petting his head as mingyu wrapped himself around dal's waist, blush crawling up his face. "dal the new sub in stylist is here for minghao. you're good." "thank you eunjoo!" he smiled, hugging mingyu back. "did you have a good nap?" mingyu nodded, rubbing his face into dal's shoulder.

separating their bodies, dal pat mingyu's hair again, taking a sip from his coffee before grabbing the hairspray and brush to do mingyu's hair. "quickly, i promise." dal said, mingyu nodding.


sighing, dal rubbed his forehead, slumped against the floor looking on his phone. the group finished recording for mcountdown, moving to film the face the sun comeback show. "cut!" the director said, dal groaning as he got up from the floor.

going to the station, dal met mingyu, quickly taking off his makeup, handing him the clothes he had on before. "are you okay?" mingyu asked, dal rolling his ankles. "i'm so tired." he said, patting mingyu's hair. "but i'll be okay." "okay." mingyu pouted, dal staring at his lips before looking up. butterflies flew in his stomach, dal coughing before looking away, throwing the wipe in trash.

"okay, quickly, we have to change the set." smiling, dal groaning as he dried the eye area of mingyu's face. "i took your eye makeup off, they said we would have longer." "it's alright dal." smiling dal reprimed his eyes, putting on light makeup. "here's your outfit." mingyu smiled, grabbing the hanger from dal's hands.

running his hands through his hair, dal biting his lip, a headache forming behind his nose. "dal, are you okay?" mingyu asked, returning from the dressing room. "headache." dal grimaced, looking up at mingyu. "you look nice." he smiled, mingyu hugging him. "relax. we'll do the last interview and then we'll be finished." "thanks gyu." dal said, mingyu waving as he went to sit down on the set, chatting with hoshi happily.


"cut!" the director said, mingyu groaning happily as he ran to dal's table. "dal?" he asked, looking for his friend. "dal?" walking around, he smiled at the slumped figure of the sleeping boy. "cute." sitting next to dal, mingyu cooed as he unknowingly clung to his arms. "dal are you sleepy?" getting no response, mingyu sighed, bringing the boy into his lap.

"wow." wonwoo smirked, seungcheol pulling out his phone to take a picture. "fuck off, he's trying to sleep." laughing, seungcheol went to talk to eunjoo. "hey mingyu, eunjoo's going to drive him home."

nodding, mingyu sat up, holding onto dal tightly. grabbing the boy's stuff, mingyu followed eunjoo out, putting dal in the backseat of eunjoo's car. "goodnight dal." he said, hesitantly pecking the top of his head.

closing the door, eunjoo looked at him, smiling. "treating him well for a friend." blush climbed up his face. "he deserves it." "goodbye mingyu." she smiled, mingyu bowing before going inside.

"you got a pretty boy taking care of you." eunjoo smiled, starting toward dal's house. "makes sense. you're a pretty boy too."

words: 1096
not edited

we've entered mingyu and dal
cuties era :]
mingyu is so pretty ugh
also: thank you for 1k reads on makeup artist!
i love you sunflowers <3

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