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Leo's POV


"What is your name?" I asked her as I patted her on her fur.

"Give me control. Stupid." Jeff said impatiently.

"No." I disagreed. Then I noticed Rose was beginning to shake on her knees and in a blink of an eye, she fell on the bed and blacked out.

"She needs rest. Shifting at such age takes a great toll on people." Jeff said silently. I nodded my head in agreement as I covered her wolf with the blankets. I stood up and went to sit on the couch.


I heard someone barked out. I groaned and slowly squinted my eyes open only to see Rose still in her wolf form and looking at me like I had just descended from heaven. I smiled a little and stood up. I walked towards her. It was so early in the morning and the sun was just beginning to rise.

"Good morning." I cooed. She barked at me.

"Tell her to change back to her human form." Jeff said.

"Shift back to your human form." I said and she barked again.

"She does not know how to do it." Jeff said like he was interpreting what she was barking.

"Teach her." He said, more like ordered.

"Close your eyes and imagine being in your human form." I said gently. She did as I told her. Nothing happened.

I narrowed my eyes on her.

"Again." Jeff said.

"Okay, again. Calm down. Close your eyes and imagine being in your human form." I said again and she did it. She slowly morphed back to her human body.

She was naked. I moved away from her and turned my back to her. I heard something like she was trying to cover herself.

"Leo." Her voice came out choked. I walked towards the stool and carried the jug with a cup. I poured water it and stretched it towards her. She collected it feebly and drank it.

"Slowly." I urged her.

"Thanks." She said and wiped her lips. I collected the cup and placed it down. She moved up a little so that she could place her head on the headboard and she drew up the blanket to cover her well. I could still see my mark on her neck.

"For how long?" I asked.

"Huh?" She asked, obviously not getting what I meant.

"I mean yesterday night… And everything that happened. Explain it." I said as I took a seat beside her on the bed.


Rose's POV


I was super excited that I had finally changed but that too with pain. But come to think of it, how was it possible?

Everything still remained unclear to me.

Leo is asking about what happened yesterday. I guess this is the only way to know if there will be a future for us. It is high time I explained everything to him.

"It all started one night. I went out with few friends for an high school party. While I was drunk, I felt someone stab me with something but due to my drunkenness I could not see the person or make out what it was. Then few weeks later, I started having this tingling sensation in… in… erm… my core." I hesitated for while.

The Hidden Alpha's Cursed MateOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora