poncho (nearly❤️ but mostly 💜)

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This is set in the prison! btw some stuff may be different bc its gonna be kinda my au!

Y/ns pov for whole story

Me and carl were mostly known for being the trouble makers of the prison, we would mostly play pranks on Daryl or Tara since they felt like family to me and if we pranked some other people they would definitely tell rick and my dad (Glenn). We found out that we definitely shouldn't prank rick ever since that one day.

(flash back)

"This is gonna be hilarious!" Carl chuckled as we hid in the shadows by ricks cell door where he couldnt see us. Me and carl practically begged rick yesterday for a gardening job - rick thought it was suspicious- reluctantly he sighed and agreed so we could get off his back. Under the shifting clouds, we worked hard to collect as many earthworms as we could to play our master prank on rick by putting them in his bedtime socks. I heard rick approaching his cell for sleep and i quickly hushed Carl and watched as he took and shoes and working socks off and as soon as he put on his bed socks he let out a scream but not loud enough to wake up anyone. He gagged and threw the sock away from him and stood up and Carl probably accidentally let out a small laugh along with me. Rick turned and glared at us, Shit! " Y/N/L/N AND MR CARL GRIMES WHAT IN THE HELL WAS THAT?" We quickly stopped laughing and carl just scratched the back of his head whilst i just bit my lip and stared down at the ground with my arms crossed. After that night we had to do the most boring and tiring jobs for a whole week.

(end of flashback)

Today we were gonna steal Daryls beloved precious poncho and have a fashion show! He was outside helping Beth with "little ass kicker." I chuckled at the thought and we quickly ran to Daryls cell and quickly peered around to make sure no one saw us. I nodded and Carl stood gaurd infront of the door whilst I quickly rumaged for it but all i found was Beer. Pfft, why not take that and have some fun tonight? I took his poncho finally and wrapped it around the bottle as we quickly ran into his cell. His was a bit larger than the average stall people got - perks of being the leaders son.

I let carl put the poncho on first and giggled when he did a twirl. "Carl, i also found this" I smirked as i showed him the bottle and popped the lid open and took a sip. "Ughhh!" Disgusted, I nearly spat it out since it was so strong and Carl laughed whilst i rolled my eyes at him. "Hey let me take a sip." Carl approached, taking the bottle and taking a much larger sip. Carl also continued to gag and i laughed at him. We took turns with the sips and it started to taste better the more we drunk-thankfully.

By now it was pretty much night and Daryl was probably putside and hasn't noticed his poncho gone. Carl and I were also definitely deunk as fuck. We finished the bottle as i groaned. I was gonna try sneak and find more but carl pinned me down against a wall as his perfect - slightly chapped - lips smacked lnto mine roughly with his tongue sweeping in. I softly moaned into his mouth as he carefully slid his hands up my shirt and into my bra, gently massaging my breasts. He softly pushed me down onto his "matress" but i was too intoxicated by his touch and Daryls beer. I unbuckled my belt as he unbuckled his. We were left in our underwear eventually. He sucked on one of my breasts while he massaged his fingers around my clothed entrance. I flipped him over so i was on top of him, I adjusted the poncho he was wearing slightly and started to grind on his hard dick. Softly, we both let out quiet moans that both turned eachother on.

Suddenly, We heard heavy footsteps towards us as our cell door slammed open - shit we forgot to lock it. I turned around and yelped quickly hiding my breasts with my hands trying ti hide under his poncho as carl covered his hard manhood. " The fuck were you doing grimes?!" Daryl whisper shouted, pushing him against the wall. Carl had a look of fear in his eyes and looked at me like he was begging for help. Quickly, I put my bra on and started to explain it was just a joke until something interrupted me. hic. Daryl approached and sniffed my breath.

"You got into my fucking beer!? I spent so long tryna find good shit!" Rick heard all the commotion and came in to see Me in my bra and soaked panties with Carl in Daryls poncho with a slight wet mark on his manhood. Rick squeezed his upper nose and sighed. "Carl and Y/n meet me in my cell after Daryl and y'all sort this mess out." His slight georgian accent kicking in.

After what felt like hours of being scolded my Daryl Carl returned the poncho to daryl and we both apologised for the beer and "sex". We put the rest of our clothes on and we had some small talk on the way to Ricks cell, we both knew he was going to try his best at the "birds and the bees" talk.

"Dang, all this happened over a poncho really." Carl said with a hint of sarcasm in his tone.
"I really guess so." I chuckled and gave him a peck on the cheek.

1015 words in total! btw sorry some of this is kinda boring i always end up writing when im sleepy or late at night! but hey, this is better than my super short stories at least. Ill be thinking of more ideas during my holidays!❤️

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