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"Amelia, your singing is killing me slowly." Nate tells her while she's singing in the car.

Yep. Nate didn't convince me it was a great idea, but he offered a trip to the people, the people loved it. So here we are, going to Nate's beach house.

Something's wrong tho. I have a bad feeling about this trip.

and I should've never came.

"Oh c'mon Bella, I don't know why you're in such a bad mood" Liz shakes me off, trying to cheer me up. "I just- I think the plan he has is not going to work" I say to Liz. Obviously I told her about the plan.

"I think is a great idea, and, actually I think it might work out even better than how you think it will, because Leo there, is going to want to spend time with Amelia too." She calms me down. It's true, that'll make things easier.

"But it's not certain you know. Maybe he will want to spend a weekend glued to his sister" I tell her worried about the situation "then we will have an amazing beach trip, and you will be suffering next to your 'too-jealous' brother" She explains and I chuckle.

"Hey sweetheart, are you ready to get wet?" Nate says to me, he is in the seat in front of me. "Oh my god. How can you be such a child? Seriously go back to fifth grade" I tell him as I hit under his backwards cap and it falls forward to his lap. "Well I have to say, it's way more entretaining when I'm the one behind you. I have more creativity" He replies, and puts his cap back but turned forward this time.

Next to nate there is a open space, since he's in the middle row, and next to the open space there is Elliot.

Driving is my brother, passanger seat Amelia.

I'm behind Nate, next to me is Liz, and next to Liz, there is Flynn.

"Really?" I say and lay my body weight on the seat in front of me, slowly putting my hand towards nate torso, and sliding down.

Until I touch his abs, his ridiculous, absurd perfect abs. "Are you enjoying the feeling?" Nate whispers to me, and I giggle "yeah, yeah I am" I reply as my hands go further down, touching the beginning of his pants.

"Are you enjoying?" I ask him and he takes my hands away "such a copycat you are" he says.

I roll my eyes at his statement and sit back on my seat. "Can someone please change the music?" I ask and Flynn starts doing a whole moral speech about how his musics are the best.



I leave the van and wait to everyone to take off their bags of the trunk so that then I can take off mine.

As I do as I said, I enter the house lastly and everyone is amused by it. Even I am.

Woah. This is gigantic. This house leaves Ame's on the street.

This is enormous. I swear I think there is at least 10 fucking bedrooms on this place. It looks like a goddamn palace.

Either way, I would never tell Nate that. "So simple. It's okay I guess, pretty small tho" I say as I start to go up the stairs and Nate appears in front of me "Small? Take your suitcase up then. I bet you'll be begging for my help again" He whispers the last part, and my whole body shivers.

But I shake my head and 'hum' in response.

I use all my fucking strenght in the world to try to get upstairs, but holy mother, I packed too much.

I am not a weak girl. I am strong, but somehow this is being mission impossible for me. There's too much weight for an absurd amount of stairs.

When everyone has already chosen a bedroom, and unpacked their things, I give up and leave my suitcase in the middle of the stairwell to look for Nate

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