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John Watson is a Horny Casanova.

Hes's trash, and we all love him

Also, i figured this story needed a cover by now, so ya...

John softly kissed Mary's lips for the first time.

She was soft and petite. She had a curve to her which helped him hold her softly.

John liked her. A lot.

When Mary kissed him back, and John parted his lips, he suddenly had a thought bolt into his mind.

His tongue felt the taste of Sherlock's lips, and he pulled back abruptly.

John opened his eyes and looked at Mary, who slowly opened her eyes to look up at him, before her expression changed into that of confusion.


He stared past her and at the brick wall, before he closed his mouth.


He blinked, and then looked down at Mary.

"Sorry, I.. I don't know what came over me." He smiled a little, to which she smiled softly back.

"Do you want to spend the night with me?" She asked, wrapping her arms around John's neck.

John smirked in reply, but it faltered just slightly as a nagging feeling began to prod at the back of his head.

"Actually, I em.. cant. I have to get up early in the morning," He cleared his throat, and Mary pouted a little.

"Oh... okay then," She said, before looking down the street.

"I think I can make it home from here." She spoke, when suddenly there was a sound of distant thunder. They looked up into the dark sky, seeing the stars begin to fade behind heavy clouds.

"However, I don't think you'll make it home before you're all wet." She giggled, and John smiled, shrugging, as if to say he didn't mind much.

"You sure you can't come?" She asked, to which he nodded.

"Sorry, but I really do have to go. Maybe another time."

They gave each other smiles, and a quick hug, before departing from each other's arms and heading in opposite directions.

As she walked, something clicked, and he called after her.

"Hey, is take out a 24 hour thing?"


He woke up, and blinked as he felt a hand nudge him awake.

"Wow. I've never seen you sleep before. You snore."

Sherlock grumbled, beginning to awaken himself to see take out in front of him.

Before he reached forward, he saw John settle himself on the floor, and then spoke.

"Perfume John? Not so manly." The detective spoke. He glanced up to see that John's lips were in fact fairly plushed.

"Mm, well I-" "Don't explain yourself. Don't care." Holmes rolled his eyes, ignoring the stabbing pain he felt growing in his chest at the thought of his blogger kissing someone other than him.

Its not like our experiment excludes him from being in a relationship. I'm not his boyfriend. We're just-

"Sherlock, you're going to bend the fork,"

Sherlock blinked, and looked up at John, who was staring at his hands. He became aware of how tightly he was gripping the fork, and relaxed his fingers.

He then mumbled something about not being hungry, and sat up. John, the sweetheart, sat up as well.

"Sherlock-" "It's fine, John, sleep with whoever you want to sleep with. I don't control your sex life."

Just as Sherlock began to walk away, the doctor grabbed his hand.

"Sherlock, wait-" "What?"

He felt himself blush, catching the glance of Sherlock's eyes as it flickered down to Johns hand, which was holding the younger man's wrist.

"I... we... we only got one kiss in today."

Holmes stared at him, eyes widening just faintly. A blush, like a rose on paper, became insistent and obvious on his fair skin.

John wants to kiss him.

"Oh... right."

Sherlock saw John glance down to his lips, saw him swallow.


Said man began to feel a little light headed as John moved his firm, calloused hand slowly down his arm.

"I... I don't want to do the experiment anymore..."

Sherlock froze, looked at John, unable to deduce where this was going, what John was trying to convey. For the first time in his existence, Sherlock felt stupefied, unsure, and unable to deduce John's intentions. Sherlock was too overwhelmed by the burning grip on his wrist, his wrist that paled in comparison to John's warm tan. The detective felt like his brain was just getting overloaded with commands, and he was short circuiting. He felt winded, faint, wide eyed, and nervous-

He felt nervous.

"I.. I want to..." He watched as John grew closer, backing him up into the wall as he took Sherlock's hand in his, their fingers sliding together seamlessly.


But before John could do another thing, there was a loud clap of thunder. The lights flickered above them before going out into pitch darkness.

The Kissing AnalysisOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant