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"Who said Nico isn't young?" Marco said as my eyes widened.

I looked over at Nico, who for the first time gave a shocked reaction.

"Son, this has nothing to do with you. Don't say absurd things." Mr Romano said.

"It's not absurd though is it." Gio said looking up from the contract.

"There is only a 3 year difference between Niko and Dante. And the contract doesn't specifically mention which Romano." Enzo said.

"That's absurd, next you'll say the contract tell her to marry me." Mr Romano said making Mrs Romano glare at him.

Like father like son-

"You aren't exactly young now are you." Romeo said bluntly making Marco choke out a laugh.

"She can't marry Nico!" Mr Romano said raising his voice.

"Why not? Because you and Nico don't get a long? So you can't control him to beat and treat my sister badly?" Gio said getting up as he walked towards Mr Romano. "You know that Nico respects me more than you. So you're afraid. That's why you suggested Dante for the marriage anyways."

Mr Romano scoffed getting. "Dante or Nico, neither will treat your sister right. Nico doesn't have a loving bone in his body. Go ahead, get your sister married to Nico. He's not any better."

"At least he doesn't sexually assault women." I spoke up.

"Excuse me?" Mr Romano said looking at me.

"You heard her." Toni said

"I don't need love, anyone who isn't a pervert like Dante will do." I said and Dante lunged at me but was stopped by Toni who came in his way.

Dante immediately cowered away.

"That's what I thought."

"You do realise if you marry Nico, you can never divorce? Like ever." Mrs Romano asked.

"Again, it's better than being stuck with Dante." I said and I didn't miss the way Dante's jaw tightened.

"Nico." Gio called and Nico looked at him. "Do you agree?"

Everyone was silent.

Nico looked towards me, then back at Dante. He sighed and spoke. "I agree."

Gio looked at me. "May, are you sure?" He said worried, and I nodded.

Mrs Romano handed Nico the ring. Nico grabbed the ring and then took out a knife.

He slipped the diamond off the ring which revealed a device under making Mrs Romano's eyes widened.

"A recorder." He whispered.

Nico took the device out, stepping on it.

How did he know?

I mean they're his family so he probably knows the schemes they play.

He slipped the diamond back on, fastening it. He got up walking towards me, as Toni moved over so he could sit.

He sat down, took my hand and slipped the ring on.

Dante didn't wait a second before leaving.

"We will plan the wedding." Mrs Romano said.

"No need." Niko spoke making everyone confused.

"Court marriage." We both said at the same time.

I don't want a grand wedding when I'm not happy with it to begin with. Why bother showing the world my fake marriage?

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