V: (Questions)

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Sometimes, God allows crazy things happen for a reason .

Rachel's POV

"Nice," I conveyed, taking in the sight before me after he ushered me into the VIP suite of the hotel he was staying at. It was the size of Debby and I's new apartment back in New York.

"You like it?" Lorenzo inquired as he shrugged off his coat which I had eyed skeptically from the moment I saw it. The weather wasn't cold to require one.

"It's lit," I nodded, turning away to view the space. We were in the living room. A long blue couch sat at the center, with 2 singular ones on each side of it facing the huge TV on the light yellow painted wall.

"One really needs money to live huh?" I asked and faced him with a small smile, the sun shining from the opened windows that let natural air in.

"I guess." He replied like it was no big deal and skidded his fingers through his hair as he strode past me.

"Oh sorry, I forgot you were born with a silver spoon," I uttered and that stopped him in his tracks.

"Are you judging me right now?" He inquired, a brow raised as he peered at me.

"Sorry," I mumbled, feeling uncomfortable under his gaze as it held a message and emotion I couldn't comprehend.

"It's fine," he immediately smiled though his eyes still held such gloom. He whirled around and trudged to one of the 2 brown mahogany doors to my left. "Give me a minute, I just need to change."

With that, he opened the door, and I saw a glimpse of a large bed before the barrier was shut behind him. In his absence I released a breath I didn't know I was holding and scratched the base of my curls, forgetting I had made it into a loose knot.

The strands came cascading down and I moaned in defeat as I heard a snap. The red band I had used to hold it in place dropped on the white tiles. Shaking my head, I allowed my feet to drag me around.

It was a hotel suite so there were no personal belongings to glimpse, though, I wasn't necessarily scooping for one. Moments later, I found myself on the balcony and stared up at the sky.

A small breeze rustled my hair as the sun hit my face. I didn't bother to close my lids at the rays as I enjoyed the vast blue space of the sky and a few white clouds. The suite was a floor below the top floor so the sky wasn't shaded by the other tall buildings in the city.

Not wanting the beauty of the sky to go to waste I decided to capture it, happy I had found a new wallpaper. I was a sucker for natural beauties like that as 50% of the photos in my gallery were filled with pictures of the sky, birds, flowers, and other rare sights that come into my view.

My little brother had always told me if all else fails, I should venture into photography and the truth was that he wasn't wrong. Debby had even told me once or twice I should try selling such photos.

I fished out my phone and clicked away at the sky. After a few shots, I began taking selfies I might end up posting. I loved social media, nonetheless, I tried to be as secretive as I could about my personal life.

Posting pictures online was a must for me, rather I didn't make it obvious of my location, or who I was with. I liked to keep the world guessing as it made me feel cool and mysterious. Weird, I know.

Most times when I'm out with people, I choose to take pictures of our feet or fingers or glasses or a blurred photo, you know things like that. Most of the photos on my Instagram wall were filled with pictures of dresses I'd designed and random things like books I'd read, the view, mirror selfies, and other simple stuff.

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