Luigi To The Rescue

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After Mario *almost* meets his gruesome demise, Luigi bursts into the door (he was standing behind it the whole time), and unchains his brother from the wall. He can also see that Mario has lost consciousness, and tries his best to resuscitate him.

Mario wakes up, but panics because he had just been cut. Luigi tells him not to panic, and that he has to get it treated right away, otherwise... he'll die.

Polterpup rushes by Mario's side, too, and lays his head on Mario, as if he were trying to say, "Everything will be fine. You're with us, now."

Mario can also see that Luigi is all teary-eyed, meaning that he still needs his brother to be around. Luigi tells him up, and tries to get Mario to walk. Mario *almost* passes out again, but took some air in, and was ok.

Luigi gives Mario to Polterpup, and tells him to put Mario on his bed, so he can rest until he's able to get there. He rescued their four friends, too, but they didn't survive.

After burying them, Luigi calls Polterpup to carry him out of the treacherous room, and into their room. So he did.

As Luigi looked at Mario's cut, he started wondering to himself,
"Would he able to survive after what just happened to him...?"

           TO BE CONTINUED

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