Remember Alice

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By: Alice Thompson

I remember Alice.

It was the summer of 2004 when the two of us first met. I'd just started at university. I was a dorky, somewhat awkward-looking girl, too skinny, too flat-chested and with hair that was basically uncontrollable. I was neither particularly athletic or the first one to come up with something witty to say so, for the first few months I spent there studying psychology, I went mostly unnoticed by the others around the campus, beyond the occasional friendly hello.

It never seemed odd to me, how little interaction I seemed to have with the other guys or girls there. In fact, when I thought back on my life I found that I couldn't remember many friendships. I'd never had a girlfriend, despite no small amount of trying on my part. My life had been dull, uneventful and unremarkable.

And then along came Alice.

She was like something straight out a magazine or a movie. Perfect hair, a body that most supermodels would kill for, teeth straight out of a toothpaste commercial, eyes that you could just gaze at for hours on end... she was a goddess walking the earth.

I had no idea why she wanted to sit next to me, that first day she did. She just threw herself into the chair beside mine, looked me over quickly and gave me a friendly sounding 'hey' before introducing herself and asking what my name was.

"Janet. Um... are you new to this class?" I asked. I was sure that I would have remembered seeing a girl who looked like her but I couldn't recall ever having noticed her before. Then again I did tend to keep my head down and just focus on taking notes. I wasn't the most social of people.

"Duh... I've been here longer than you have. What, didn't you notice me?" she asked.

Thinking back, I realized that I had seen her before in the class. In fact, I could remember how on my first day I'd been taken with how beautiful she was, the sight of her sending a little shiver through my body. I'd just been too shy to get up the nerve to talk to her. After years of rejections and heartbreak, it felt like a wasted effort.

"She probably isn't even into girls," I'd told myself, resigning myself to only gazing at her, never getting to know her.

Now here she was, sitting beside me, smiling at me in a way that could only be described as 'flirty'.

"Hellloooooooo? Where did you go off to? Jeez, do you space out like that often?" she asked and though her tone was teasing it was in a way that was playful, rather than sounding malicious or insulting.

Her voice sounded so good... I could remember all the times I'd listened to her before, walking past her chatting with friends in the halls. She could have been a voice actress if she wanted to. She had a voice you just wanted to listen to.

"Sorry. Um, I guess I just kind of zoned out there, didn't I?" I asked, laughing and trying to brush aside my awkwardness. She smiled at me again, playfully brushing her fingers over my hair. I tried very hard not to show just how much I loved the feel of her hand stroking through my hair like that.

"Forget about it. So, are you going to this stupid Halloween party tonight? It's going to totally suck but I was thinking if I didn't go alone... maybe the suckage would be lessened a little."

I couldn't remember the last time anyone had wanted me to go anywhere with them. I couldn't even remember my own parents wanting me hanging around all that much. There had been no tearful goodbyes when I'd left for university, no desperate pleas for me to call every day or come back for holidays. And now this impossibly perfect woman was asking me to come with her to a party, telling me how she wanted me there, how it would make the experience better if I was there.

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