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The final whistle blows and I'm grinning like a fool as I shake hands with the other team. We won. And I scored three tries.

I glance over to the sidelines like I've been doing periodically since the game started, finding my mum and Aurora still sitting together, lost in conversation. After coach has a chat with us, I make my way over to them. They both stand up when they see me approaching.

Mum immediately yanks me down to her level for a hug. "You played so well! I'm so proud of you!"

I hug her back, smiling into her shoulder. "Thanks, mum."

When we part, my focus turns to Aurora. She stands there, hands clasped together in front of her. That pretty smile plays on her lips. "You played good, George."

"Thank you, Aurora." I want an excuse to touch her again. To have her close. To breathe her in. I can't think of one.

Mum pats me on the back gently, "I'll go wait in the car for you. It's getting chilly out here."

"Okay, won't be long." I lean down, pressing a kiss to the top of her head before she leaves. Then I'm looking at Aurora again because how can I not?

"Thank you for coming, Aurora."

Her smile. "Thank you for inviting me. Your mum is the sweetest. We chatted the whole time."

"Good. That's... yeah, good." I reach a hand up to rub the back of my neck. "Are you— I mean, you don't have to but— you could come next week too. To the game. Next week." I clear my throat, cheeks heating, "If you want."

She steps forward, lifting a hand to brush something off my chest. When I look down, I see there's a grass stain there. "I could be here again next week. If you want me to."

"I— yes. I do."

"Okay then," She nods once, dropping her hand. "I'll be here."

My chest deflates with relief, "Cool. Great."

Tilting her head at me, she says, "I should get going. Don't want to miss the bus."

"You don't have a ride?" My brows furrow.

She rolls her eyes, "The bus is my ride. Don't have a car and my parents are busy running my siblings around today."

"Do you want a ride home?" I offer immediately, "Mum will drop you off."

"Oh, you don't have to do that," She quickly shakes her head, "I don't want to be a hassle. The bus is just fine."


Her blue eyes are wide, gorgeous. "Yes, George?"

"We can drop you home. Please. You came here on a Saturday just to watch me play a game of rugby. It's the least I can do."

"I wanted to though. You don't have to do anything in return."

How does she so easily soften my heart? "I know. Still. Please."

There's a moment of hesitation before she gives in, nodding. "Okay. Thank you, George."

"You're welcome, Aurora," I nod my head towards the direction of the parking lot, "Come on then."

We start walking and she tugs her jacket closer around herself, fighting the cold wind. I take a moment to look down at myself, realising just how ruffed up I am. Dirt and grass stains all over me. Sweaty. I probably stink. Subtly, I step away from her slightly. She always smells so good, it's not fair for her to have to put up with my post-rugby stench.

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