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Amena didn't feel too horrible the next morning, just sluggish and thirsty.

Her hair looked crazy, and the brush didn't help much. She ended up taking a shower to wash out the remainder of the hairspray.

She already knew Cyfrin would be making breakfast, and she was right.

"Hey," he greeted. He drew her in to his side, kissing her forehead. "Feel okay?"

She nodded. "Can I help?"

"Sure, baby. I'm just finishing the eggs and bacon. I'm going to toast some bagels. There's some fruit and juice in the fridge if you want to take it outside. The others are sitting out there."

It was nice outside. There was a cool breeze that eased the early morning sun.

Emma had a hoodie on over her head, resting on her folded arms.

"Are you okay?" Amena asked, giving her a little poke.

Emma waved her off playfully.

Xavier and James looked a little better off, but they were sitting stiffly in silence. Their sunglasses made it impossible to tell if they were even awake.

"Did you have fun last night?" Amena asked Cyfrin quietly back in the kitchen, beginning to feel a bit guilty that he got left out. 

Cyfrin was plating the food. It took him a second to respond.

"Come here," he said.

She did as she was told, and he wrapped his arms around her. He brushed away some damp pieces of hair away from her face.

"I loved watching you have fun. I don't have to get drunk to have a good time," he said. "Besides, all I want is for everyone to be safe. Xav and James and I have always taken turns being the sober one."

"You're always cooking and making sure I have everything. I just-"

"I do it because I want to, not because I expect anything in return."

Amena nodded, feeling a little better but not entirely. She had been staying with Cyfrin for some time now, and she wanted to be able to return the favor somehow. She just wasn't sure what she could do yet.

He released her, and she went to the cabinet to get the plates and other items for breakfast.

"Hey," Cyfrin said, gaining her attention once again. He gestured her over.

He took the stuff from her hands, setting it down.

"I owe you something," he said.

"What?" she asked, looking up at him, into his beautiful eyes.

He leaned down a bit, pressing his lips gently onto hers. He cupped her face, and she fisted his t-shirt.

Heat curled inside of her. She felt so many emotions at once, but the love and adoration she felt for this selfless man was the strongest of them all.

She smiled when he pulled away. He gave her another peck, kissing her nose before he let go.

The blush was immediate, and she ducked away back outside to set the table. She heard him chuckle as she disappeared.

"Thanks for this," Xavier said as Cyfrin laid out the spread of food.

"Oh, you're alive?" Cyfrin asked.

Janes pushed his glasses on top of his head. "Seriously. We owe you dinner."

Cyfrin filled Amena's plate before he filled his own.

"I'll help you all get to your cars this afternoon, but you guys can just rest until then. I might take a swim if you all want to join me."

"That sounds good," Emma agreed. She looked more awake after eating and drinking a little bit. "Can I borrow a swimsuit?"

Amena nodded.


Later, that's exactly what they did. They lounged around the pool. Cyfrin was floating around, and James was stretched out on the pool steps, half covered in the water. Xavier was asleep in the chair furthest from them.

Amena offered Emma the bowl of grapes she was picking at.

"Thanks," she said. "I saw your artwork in your room."

"Oh," Amena whispered, unsure of how to take that.

"If Xavier and I pay you, can you paint something for our living room?"

Amena hesitated. "I don't know. I just started painting, and-"

"Come on," Emma said. "I can take a picture of the space, and tell you the colors we were thinking of. I don't even care what you paint."

Amena thought it over before nodding. "I'll try."

She agreed to at least attempt a painting, and if it didn't end up what they wanted then there would be no hard feelings.

Even though a paid project made her nervous, she was excited to do something different.

It had been a good weekend.

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