Chapter 14

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3rd Person POV

Peter's week had been dreadful. When he wasn't at school, Peter was forced to spend the entire time in his room doing nothing. He had his phone and computer for school, but he had to give it back right after and it was being monitored by Friday to make sure he didn't do anything fun. He had no video games to tide him over either.

He could've gone out to any place in the Penthouse as he wasn't grounded to his room, but out there wasn't any better. Pepper was constantly busy with work and he didn't want to associate with Tony in any way.

So that's where he found himself on Friday afternoon, three days into his grounding. Peter literally had nothing left to do. He completed his homework for the next two weeks and it was only 6:30 pm.

He honestly didn't know how he'd survive the next four days.

Peter was struck with the idea to go out as Spiderman. It had been a couple weeks since he went out last, so it was perfect!

He stuffed his suit into a backpack and tried to think of a plan to go out. He certainly couldn't go out the front door like last time. He wouldn't even be able to get into the elevator without Friday tattling on him. 


Peter's eyes lit up hopefully as he looked at one of her cameras and asked "Friday? Am I allowed to go outside the penthouse? I want to sit on the balcony."

After a few seconds, Friday said "Since that is technically not leaving the property, yes you can Miniboss."

That's all Peter needed to hear before he jogged over to the balcony just outside of the living room area. He joyfully opened the doors and sat for a few minutes so that Friday wouldn't get suspicious of his behavior.

Peter then walked up to the edge and leaned on it. He said "Friday, where is Tony?"

The bodiless AI answered, "Boss is currently in his workshop. Would you like for me to tell him you are asking for him?"

Calmly, Peter said "No, could you just ask him when dinner is?"

Friday, after a moment said, "Boss said dinner will be in 45 minutes."

Peter quickly webbed off the balcony and into the New York traffic. He only had 45 minutes to fight crime and be back before anyone noticed he was missing. 

Meanwhile, Tony was happily tinkering in his workshop. Pleased that the kid was at least talking to him through Friday. At least it wasn't the stone cold silence he endured over the past few days. 

Tony scoffed. All he did was punish the kid for copping a major attitude, skipping school, and drinking under age. If anything, the punishment should've been worse! 

Tony shook his head. It wouldn't do to fight with the kid now. At least not while Pepper was here to take his side.

Tony closed his eyes in bliss. It was only matter of time before everything was perfect. 

For a moment though, Tony leaned back in his chair and closed his eyes contentedly. No matter what Peter said, he knew he made the right decision. Just look at all that stubbornness, the intellect, the sass, that's Tony is a nutshell. And his ambition comes from Pepper. 

Peter will soon be the perfect son. He just knows it.

Soon enough, Friday called out and told him dinner is approaching. Tony, in a good mood said, "order what the kid likes" 

And that's how Friday ended up ordering a ton of larb.

When the food finally arrived, Tony laid the food out on the table right when Pepper came in through the door.

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