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Ethan's POV:

I immediately ran towards the shower and locked myself. The steps became louder and louder. I was sweating badly. "So, you are playing hide and seek now." Gillean said in his deep husky voice. "Interesting." I could hear Gillean whisper.

"You could have find a better place to hide. This kind of place is very childish." Gillean said and kicked the door. The door swung open and my eyes widened. I could see a wide grin on his face. He held my wrist and started dragging me outside.

He saw a tied Chester who was struggling to get untied. "Run away before this monster traps you forever. He is just obsessed with you you " Chester shouted. Gillean signalled his men to look over me. He went to Chester and grabbed a fistful of his hair, "You have got a long mouth living with your little new friend. You are being too friendly all of the sudden. Remember how you begged me to hurt him."Gillean said.

Chester just glared at him."Leave him, he is innocent. " Chester again spatted. "Y'know you are looking so pathetic begging to me." Gillean added. Meanwhile I was just trying a chance to run away but the grip of these men were too tight. So, finally I gave up and started hearing their conversation. And I can't guess what the heck is going on.

I am finally getting some things. So, the person he promised was Chester and it wasn't to take care of me but to hurt me. Everything is so messed up. I slowly leaned to that one of the man's hand and bit it. He left me with a jerk and other man's grip loosened. I took the chance and ran outside.

After coming outside from that building, I looked back to count how many men were behind me. I know it's silly but it will help me hide atleast a little bit. And in few seconds I regretted my decision. I landed in a hard chest and guess what to my fate it was Gillean's most trusted man,'Ender'.

I straight landed on the ground and Ender sprayed something on my face. My vision started to get blurry and my eyes felt lke I didn't sleep from decades. I finally closed my eyes and let them rest knowing it was my worst mistake.

I opened my eyes and saw a familiar room, and it was Gillean's room. My wrists were feeling a little heavy then usual and they were also paining a little. I wanted to move my hand but I failed, something was stopping it. Soon realisation hit me , I was handcuffed by that psycho dude.

After approximately two or three hours of drowning in my thoughts of why my fate turned out like this, I heard the door knob twisting. My eyes were curious to see if that person was Gillean or a maid again.

And it was Gillean with a sly grin on his face. I was feeling angry and only I know how much I want to remove that grin off his face.

"Hey kitten, how are you?" he asked in his deep husky voice sending chills to me. But I kept my confidence and shouted, "I am not a kitten. Just free me already."

"Do you really think I just tied you there to free you? Just be happy , you are safe and sound after disobeying me for all these times. If it wasn't you, I wouldn't hesitate to empty this whole damn gun in your chest." he said in a sarcastic tone.

"Why me?? Out of all the people out there." I asked. "Well, every person out there would ask the same question. Someone had to sacrifice, don't you think so? It isn't my fault your looks, attitude, personality and most importantly 'you' attracts me towards you." Gillean said.

"F**k you, you b*****d." I spatted knowing I was digging my own grave but who cares now. "This kitten has got a long tongue now?" He said and smashed his lips on mine.

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