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September 17th

“what are you doing?”, Shakur asked Tierra over the phone. After his welcome back gathering, they continued to talk. They exchanged numbers that day and had constantly called and checked up on each other.

It was weird for Tierra because she was slightly introverted, even with her friends. She couldn't socialize properly with them and her anxiety made everything worse.

She was glad that her and Shakur were homebodies, she was a homebody because she didn't like to socialize with people and Shakur was awkward with meeting new people.

They were a perfect fit.

She smiled setting her cooking batter on the backing tray, “I'm baking cookies”. She said. She was bored and she was taking a week off from work.

Tierra was a business owner, specifically she owned a bakery, 'Erra Sweets'. She started her business online when she was seventeen, selling baked goods and when she'd graduated from college at nineteen, her mother bought her a building and with that came about a bakery.

He yawned, “What type”. He asked shuffling around

She put them in the oven, “Custard”. He said

“Cool, I want sum”, he said

“Umm, you can come over”, as soon as she said that, she heard a door close and keys jingling

She heard and engine start, “Send the location, I'll see you in a bit”. He hung up

That's how he's always been, he'd never greet or bid her goodbye, if she called him, he never greeted back and when he'd call her, he'd just immediately come up with the conversation.

It wasn't as though he was rude or being dismissive, he just never found it necessary to do so, he liked to get straight to the point.

She sent him the location and unlocked her front door.

She then checked on her cookies and took them out to cool. She'd made about sixty, she was bored and figured baking would kill time.

She then connected her phone to her Bluetooth speaker and began to play music, this time she played Don Toliver.

She was diverse when it came to her music taste but she'd never been a fan of folk, country, rock and respectfully gospel. She loved God and those who spread his words but she just didn't like the music.

Where I'm at, yeah where I'm at
I don't how I'm getting home
I've been sippin' on Styrofoam

She heard her door opening and frowned knowing it was Shakur. She didn't frown because he was there, in fact she was glad that he'd finally get to see where she lived but it was his lack of manners but she knew it wasn't intentional, she did leave the door unlocked as he'd her told to.

She walked to her living room where he stood awkwardly with his arms open.

“Hi”, She waved with a smile

He tilted his head as his arms grew a bit sore, “I want to hug you, c'mere”. He said

She walked towards him and hugged his torso as he hugged her below her waist. She could smell the Paco Rabbane and weed off him, together it was a nice smell.

They departed from the hug and she walked to the kitchen with him following her, “Your penthouse is nice”. Shakur nodded his head

She smiled, “thank you, how many cookies you want”. She said taking out plates for each of them

Shakur shrugged, “Maybe four. I'm not hungry I just wanted a snack”. Tierra nodded her head putting four on his and six on hers

Sippin' that drink you don't know boy
Spend twenty in a ten you don't know that boy
With a Glock in my pocket you don't know that boy

She gave him his plate and pulled her in for a side hug as he ate his cookies.

He munched on his cookies, “Taste good”. He said

She smirked, “I know”, she said smartly

He be really insane, you don't know that boy

He squeezed her side, “Thank you”. He kissed her on her neck and soon enough, she felt butterflies

He love his dame, you should love that boy
And she'll do anything cause she love that boy

She wouldn't lie and say that she didn't like Shakur. He was a good guy from what she'd picked up, he was caring in his own weird way and he really liked to rant. He was also good looking so it made it hard not to like him.

(I know you're down for me), Uhhhh
A wise man once said, “Falling in love, is the only fall we don't get up from”

They spent the day conversing about noting in particular. It went from debates on certain things to how their days have been.

Now approaching eleven pm, they sat in the living room couch with the lights off and a lit candle on her coffee table.

Tierra massaged his forehead as he layed on her lap, “You ever want to be in a relationship?”. She asked him

She was curious because based on the person she'd known him as for a month, he seemed as though he couldn't exactly handle one but those were her assumptions and they were going to stay as that.

He shifted in her lap, “Yes. If I like someone romantically, my pursuit is to be in a relationship with them”. He said

She nodded her head, “Have you been in one”. She wondered

He nodded his head, “One, you ever been in one”, he asked looking up to her

She shook her head, “Not really. More of situationships”. She clarified

It wasn't like she didn't want a relationship, it was just the men she came across with that made her not want to pursue further with them. She was never against one.

“It's eleven pm”, Shakur said lifting himself from her lap

She got up from her seat, “You staying over”. She stretched her limbs

“Do you want me to?”, he stood over her

She nodded her head, “Hmm”. She hummed not really knowing how to put her answer in words

She felt the butterflies again and blew out the candle and led Shakur to her room.

She went into her bathroom doing her nightly routine and got out finding Shakur in the bed covers snoring lightly.

She got into her bed covers and laid on his chest and he pulled her gripping her waist and again, the butterflies came and she blush tracing circles on his chest with her finger.

“I think I like you”, she murmured before falling asleep

... Cause we're lovesick😕


Please excuse my mistakes

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