Seeing him again

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Athena's pov

I am sitting alone at home waiting for my friends to get here. My brothers are out on a mission and the rest of the family went back home two days ago.

It's been a week since I found out about the marriage deal. It's ridiculous honestly but anyways. I still haven't told my friends about it so I plan on telling them today.

I snap out of my thoughts when I hear the doorbell go off. I quickly run to the door and open it. Sandro, Claire, Am ans Lu are all here. We all sat down in the living room and I became telling them.

"So guys I am getting married." I blurted out and mentally face palmed myself because they all looked confused as fuck.

"What!?" They said in unison.

"Well when I went missing my parents made a very stupid deal with the Russian mafia that when they find me and I turn 18, I have to marry Lucian in return for their help. And if I don't the mafia gets taken away." I explained.

"What the fuck. Who does that?" Lu said.

"Well her parents apparently." Claire says sarcastically.

"Wait so you do t get a choice?" Am asked.

"Yeah nope."

"Can we just kill him or something?" Sandro said.

"Nope can't do that either. Mafia gets taken away." I say and sigh.

"So there's no other way?" Claire said.

"No there isn't." I say and we just sit there in silence until Louis breaks it.

"Ok enough it that. I am hungry." He says.

"Yeah me too." Sandro joined.

"We can go look in the the kitchen for something." I say and we head over to the kitchen.

We got out some popsicles from the fridge and sat in the kitchen eating it. We were talking for a while then one of the guards came in.

"Ms. Russo, the Russian mafia leader is here to see you." He said and I choked on my popsicle.

"What!" I say after I was done choking.

"He is outside the house, unarmed and asking for you." He said.

I got up and went outside with my friends following right behind. Lucian is indeed outside the house leaning against his Porsche.

"You have got some nerve showing up at my doorstep." I spat out.

"Well what can I say I am here to pick you up." He says.

"And Why are you here to pick me up?" I say walking up to him.

"Well so that you can go over the contract."

"Why should I trust anything you say? For all I know you could kill me." A look of hurt flashed in his eyes.

"I would never hurt you. Plus I could say the same for you. Hell you even shot me. Now get in we are getting late."

With that he opened he door for me. I rolled my eyes and got it in not wanting to argue with him. He got in and drove out of the driveway.

"So where are we going?" I asked annoyed.

"My office." He said and we sat in silence the rest of the ride there.

We got there and went straight up to his office. We sat down and he handed me the copy of the paper. I looked over it and while he ordered iced coffee for the both of us.

A lady them came in with the iced coffees. She was walking over to us but she tripped on the rug spilling the coffee all over my clothes. She got up and immediately started apologizing.

"Oh my god! I am so sorry. I didn't mean to. I am really sorry. Please forgive me." She kept saying. She was scared that she might get fired.

"Please stop apologizing. It is totally fine. It's not your fault you tripped." I said in a soft tone.

She then took me to a room and told me to take a shower while she gets me some clothes to change into. Who has a bedroom in their office?

I got out of the shower in a robe to see a hoodie and sweats on the bed. I quickly put them on and they were really big on me that I had to fold up the sweats multiple times. I then walked back to Lucian's office.

He looks up at me and smiled. What's he smiling at? I sit down across from him and puts a small box in front of me. I look at him with my eye brow raised.

"Early birthday present. I know your birthday is next week." He says.

I open the box to see a beautiful diamond ring inside.

"What's this?" I ask.

"Well love your engagement ring of course." He says amused.

"Yeah I am not wearing it." I say putting the box back down on the table.

"Why do you not like it? We can go get it changed."

"No that's not it. It's pretty but I don't want to wear it."

He frowns and drops it knowing he won't win. "Fine but keep it safe." I nodded.

"If we are done can you take me home?" I said. I was tired and I wanted to go home.

"Sure love. Let's go." He said and we got up and headed to the car.

We sat in the car and started driving home with a comfortable silence falling over us. After the shower I felt very tired and sleepy. My eyes start getting heavy and soon I fell asleep.

After I wake up I see that it was now dark outside and Lucian was on his phone. That's when I realized that I was still in his car.

"What time is it?" I ask.

"It's 7 pm." He says now looking at me.

"Why didn't you wake me up?"

"You looked really tired so I didn't want to disturb you and I didn't have much to do." He said softly and I nod.

"Where are we?"

"We have been in your driveway for the last 3 hours." He says looking at the time.

"You should have just woken me up."

"Oh also your brother came home and hour ago."

"Oh." I say sadly.

"What's wrong love?" He asked with concern in his voice.

"Nothing." I say.

He takes my hand and says "hey you can tell me anything." I just nod and he decided to not ask any further.

After I say goodbye I get out of the car and watch him drive out the driveway. I go inside and head up to my room.

I wasn't really hungry so I decided to go to bed. I laid in bed with the ring in my hand. I put it on my finger and admire it.

It fits my finger perfectly and it suits me like it was made for me. It felt weird wearing it. I never thought that I would be getting married this early.

I mean of course I wanted to get married someday. I just didn't think it would be before I was even in my twenties. I take the ring off and put it in the box. I then put the box in my nightstand drawer.

I then snuggle into the hoodie I was still wearing from earlier. It smelled really good like rosewood and it is really soft. I loved how big it is on me, it feels like a blanket. Soon I fell asleep.


This was a bit of a filler but I hope you like it.

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