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Atlas's pov

I walked into my room and sat on the couch near my bed I started to tear up once again when I realized that I'll never be able to see my cellphone again

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I walked into my room and sat on the couch near my bed I started to tear up once again when I realized that I'll never be able to see my cellphone again... Uhh....

"WHY?!???!?" I shouted suddenly the door opened and Adeline walked in she looked at me and I wiped my tears away she looked at me nervously
"why are you crying?" she asked as her worried gaze wandered around my face
"we'll find it don't be such a kid stop crying" she said and I looked at her even though I wasn't crying because my bag lost but because I'm also lost I don't where I am I just know this isn't a place I'm supposed to be in

"you're right" I said while wiping away my tears

"why are you here?" I asked while looking at her
she sat on the bed and took a breath deep breath ,she raised her eyebrows
"what do you mean this is basically my castle" she replied I looked at her blankly
'gurl, you know something called privacy' I thought to myself
"no.....I mean..." I said and she slightly smiled it wasn't a happy smile it was more like a you are an idiot smile she replied
"oh yes you should go and start doing practice in the practice arena" she said and I thought like I know I'm boxing champion but I don't know what kind of practice they do
"practice?" I asked and she looked at me with wide eyes soon her eyes were back to their normal size
"oh yes.... you might not know how we do our practice because you're from another kingdom" she said and I watched her get up from the bed and she stood in front of me

"so... you know how to use a sword right" she asked 'baby I don't know a shit about using a sword' I thought to myself and looked at her

"no...." I chuckled nervously
"eh- what?...." she looked at me with an unreadable expression
"but I know how to punch" I said happily and her lips formed a thin line at my remark

"oh wow!!! I also know how to punch want me to show you some tricks" she said while mimicking me

"it's okay get ready wear an armor and we'll go to the practice arena with jack" she said and I looked at her
"what?" I questioned

"I don't like repeating my words" she said as she looked at me and I didn't want to mess up more
I got up from the couch and walked towards the wardrobe
I picked out an armor from the closet it was a leather armor
"you guys don't use iron armors" I asked while examining the armor
"no it's for wars only" she said and looked at me
"how do you wear this" I asked and she looked at me and I felt like I messed up again I realized that I have to pretend like I'm also a king? maybe

"oh I mean in my kingdom we only wear iron armors so I don't know how to wear this" I lied smoothly without even stuttering
"I'll send jack to help you" she said blankly and left the room silence filled the air as soon as she walked out of the room


the door of my room opened once again and this time it was jack

"hey get up" he said and moved toward the wardrobe

I got up from the couch

he picked the armor and marched towards me

"alright remove your coat" he said and I looked at him nervously
"you're wearing the shirt right " he questioned and I nodded
"the remove the coat" he said while still looking at the armor I removed my coat and he showed me the armor

"here you've to wear it like this"he wore the armor infront of me
"okay" I nodded while looking at him
he picked out another armor from the closet and threw it towards me
"wear it" he said I picked the armor and started to wear it
"yeah just like that" he walked towards me and adjusted my collars
"let's go now" he said and I nodded in response
"I'll appreciate it if you use words to communicate instead of your head" he said and I immediately shook my head once again he looked at me blankly
"yes" I said and he chuckled and started to walk and I followed him

"Adeline told me that you don't know how to use a sword" he asked while walking through a hallway there was a huge chandelier in the middle of the hallway and the light was enough to brighten up the hallway and there were candles placed at each corner of the hallway

"yes, but I know how to punch" I said while walking beside him he looked at me and chuckled
"alright then punch me" he said and I looked at him
"alright" I said and punched him on his arm and it felt like that was a great hit
"oww, that's a good one but still Adeline's punch is better" he said and looked at me I wonder how her touch feels like but there's no way in hell I'm going to touch her she will probably kill me

we reached the practice arena and it was huge there were a lot of swords and other war equipments but there was a huge crowd in the middle of the practice arena
"there she is" jack said and moved towards the crowd a devilish smile appeared on his face everyone gave him space to walk and soon I saw...

"Adeline..." I murmured and jack looked at me he was looking proud of Adeline
"yes, she's good with swords" jack said and my mouth was wide open her hairs were tied in a bun and she was wearing an armor as well
she was moving the sword in her hands so skillfully and smoothly her hands were moving at the speed of light
soon my gaze shifted towards the man in front of her he was also looking young and skillful but he looked nothing in front of Adeline
the man infront of her moved his sword and she also moved her sword there swords collided with each other and made a weird noise the man in front of her stumbled backward and meet the ground she pointed her sword on his throat
"I won" she said and removed the sword

"that was great" jack shouted and I turned to look at him Adeline joined us

"you guys are here now let's began" she said with a wicked smile

(this is the longest chapter till now)

(this is the longest chapter till now)

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