Chapter 5: Huttsgalore

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Kiara POV

Sleep cave

I had shifted my eyes to a relentless razorwings' to watch the battle. Winger was really brave. I couldn't stop thinking about it. I even dreamed about it. The way he risked his life for Dak, not even knowing if he would get to him in time. He could have died. He fought his worst fear and didn't even act scared. And he still picked up fish for me. For once my heart and mind were in agreement when I remembered who I was. Someone who can't be in a relationship unless Winger becomes someone he's not and I can't do that to him. But what about the lightning, maybe he is and he doesn't know it. The lightning must have been a coincidence and all I'm left with is a broken wing and a broken heart.

Winger POV


I couldn't stop thinking about Kiara. Was she our fish thief? But how did she eat so much fish? Does she have friends? How did she know I rescued Dak before Dak told everyone else? Why do I feel this way? These questions kept circling through my head. I wish I had answers, but right now I just have more questions."Rise and shine gang!" yelled Layla as she opened the sleep cave door. The early morning light poured in and I groaned and covered my eyes. "Elbone has caught some rainbow trout" encouraged Layla as we all woke up. We ran out the door, but I paused and looked back to see Kiara. "Can you come down to Huttsgalore?", I asked. By now her leg was healed and she just had a few bandages on her wing. "I could try" was her clipped response.

Kiara POV


It was time to go to Huttsgalore, a place full of people. Maybe even dragon hunters. The nightmares in my head resurfaced with the thought of those killers. The last mission we went on. From then I vowed to destroy any hunter, anyone who uses dragons against their free will to do what humans want them to do. That's the reason I came to protect any dragon suffering abuse. I wanted to make friends with the Rescue riders but not the humans. Humans are vile, disgusting and evil. Very few are different. What if there are dragon hunters? They probably wouldn't have nested here if there were hunters. When we got outside, Winger crouched, I ignored him and ran to the edge of the roost facing the village and jumped.

Winger POV


I had crouched, ready to take Kiara on my back, when she ran past me and jumped off the edge of the roost. I immediately sprang into the air, my thoughts spinning in my head. What if she died? Kiara couldn't fly. My breath felt sharp and I began to feel something I hadn't felt since Mom disappeared. As I flew over the edge, I saw Kiara grinning and looking up at me. She was alive and then she jumped again. My heart got caught in my throat, then I saw Kiara was using her momentum to spiral down onto the landings. She was fine and landed on the next platform. I doubled back to get Dak and he would not stop teasing with Cutter. "Did you want to be her knight in shining armor?" Dak teased. "Like you want to be Violet's", I countered. Dak shuts up, as well as Cutter to avoid being told he likes Aggro in front of her. We landed the same time Kiara did and she stumbled right into me. My face turned bright red as I caught her and found her head resting underneath mine and my wing halfway wrapped around her. We stayed like that for a couple of seconds before we awkwardly separated.

Kiara POV


That was so embarrassing, but why do I want to stay like that? To just lean against Winger and have his wings around me. To feel protected, to feel like someone actually cares. I scanned the town as the rescue riders herded me to a hut with berries and holly hanging from the roof. Leyla opened the door and I backed away in understanding. They wanted me to go into the hut, a human house with close walls and no sky. The roost was one thing but this hut is another. I ran to the other side of the town before they could react. I growled and hid behind one of the huts where I found a man yelling at a boy. Anger surged through me, no one should hurt a hatchling, human or not. I snuck up behind the man and heard what he was yelling. "You incompetent boy! You never do anything right. Stupid and dragon loving! I should send you away." At that point I jumped on him and looked at him properly. Mud colored hair and the ugliest mustache to ever exist was on this man's face. A flash of fear showed in his eyes. Good, he should be afraid, I was superior. The predator. instincts came and it was kill or be killed. I raised my head gathering a power blast when I looked at the boy, blond and about the twin's age and terrified of... me. I am not a monster, I snapped out of my survival instincts. I roared at the man in his face, smoke coming out of my nostrils and let him go. "Come Axel" whimpered the man shakily. I let them leave watching just in case, growling all the while. I turned around and found a little boy, about 7 years old. He was staring at me in wonder and all of a sudden began talking. "Wow. I've never seen you around here before. Your scales are so pretty. You're a swiftwing aren't you". I backed away, feeling uncomfortable. "Hey, I'm not going to hurt you. Here, have a fish". He picked up a fish and threw it. I snapped it out of mid air. Ice tail pike, delicious. He laughed and threw another. I was caught unaware and it landed on my snout. I looked at the fish in surprise before throwing it in the air and catching it. The boy looked at me and smiled, he wasn't scared. "There you are Finngard" said a girl who kinda looked like the boy who I guess was named Finngard. "But Violet", whined Finngard. "You can play with Winger tomorrow Finny". I stepped forward and Violet looked at me and saw I wasn't Winger. "Finny, that's not Winger, that's a wild injured swiftwing", she said as she stepped in front of her brother. I lowered my head and sniffed her, she smelled of that hut and fish. I raised my head level with hers and bowed. Showing I wasn't going to be a threat. I could see Violet relax and Finngard dodged her and hugged me. I've never been hugged by a human before. It was nice. Suddenly a woman rounded the corner of the house and saw us there. I crouched as the woman yelled, "Violet, Finngard, I've been looking for you for half an hour. We have a runaway patient". I heard more footsteps, heavier ones as a certain sky blue swiftwing rounded the corner. "Kiara, there you are. We've been looking for you". "I won't go in that hut Winger." "I know, so she agreed to check you outside". "Who is she?". "Right there" was his response as he pointed toward the woman. Guess I was the runaway patient. "What will she do?"

Winger POV

Huttsgalore, behind some hut

Kiara seemed scared, maybe this is part of why she doesn't trust humans. Someone probably did something to her. That made me want to rip them to shreds. Woah, when did I want to rip someone to shreds? Is this what happens with these feelings? Would I do that to anyone else? I shook my head, I was getting lost in my thoughts again. Kiara looked confused at me. "Oh, umm. She will just check you out, it won't hurt much and she will tell you when you can fly again." "How much is it won't hurt much?". Kiara seemed more nervous. "Not much and we'll be right there beside you. Promise" I didn't regret one bit promising her even if my stomach felt weird. Kiara relaxed and we held eye contact for a moment. Her starry eyes reflected mine until we looked away. I was pretty sure my color would change to red when Finngard butted in. "What were you roaring about?" Violet let out a laugh and nudged Finngard while saying, "They can't answer you Finny, now come on all of you". We walked behind them and had to squeeze a little side by side to get through the alley and out onto the square. My color had definitely changed to red as our wings kept brushing up against each other when we were walking side by side. It was a miracle Cutter and Dak didn't tease me, except for the fact that each of them were staring at their crushes. I let out a small smile when Cutter blushed as Aggro caught him looking.

Aggro POV


My red scales turned even redder when I caught Cutter looking at me. Why was he looking at me? Anyway I couldn't stop thinking about Kiara's story. She never did finish it and I am dying to know what happens next. I haven't heard a story like that since I got separated from my flock. I still missed them but now I have a new flock. Winger shuffled over to us, sneaking glances at Kiara while she watched Finngard's mom get out her equipment. Winger obviously liked her but I didn't know about Kiara. I saw Kiara sneak a quick glance at Winger and then another one. Maybe, but it's not going to matter anyway if she leaves. All of us would miss her since it's been a week since she got here. We were all friends, I hope, even Cutter who generally didn't like new things. Maybe we should ask her. "You'll be able to fly in a few days but take it easy". Finngard's mom interrupted my thoughts and I saw Kiara nod. "Bye" waved Dak and Layla. "Bye" said Finngard right as he hugged Kiara. I sucked in, how would she react? Kiara hugged him back by putting her head close and wrapping her wings around him.

Winger POV


I smiled as Kiara's eyes flashed around and met mine. Those eyes. I had to ask her. Did she really steal our fish? Every time I'm around her, I forget. And how did she know about Dak and the storm and what about the Sonic Deep dweller? Enough stalling I had to confront her even if my stomach felt full of Terrible Terrors every time I'm around her. Anyway dark was approaching fast along with it a storm and Elbone just got back with dinner since we still haven't finished getting all our fish back. Which is another reason why I'm so confused. How did she eat that much fish? We ate dinner quickly and I saw Kiara stare at the stairs. I looked at Dak and a silent conversation passed. Dak understood Kiara would need a ride and knew I had to be the one to take her. I walked up to her and bowed. "Need a ride" I smiled as she bowed back. "Yeah" as she tossed her head and put her nose in the air, "I need a ride" Kiara said it in such a posh tone that made her sound like she had a stuffed up nose. I laughed and right as she was about to climb on I moved. Suddenly we were playing, she was trying to get on my back and I kept moving. We hadn't realized the others left, we were playing and I was forgetting. I froze and Kiara barreled into me. "Maybe we should get back to the roost" I could sense Kiara's confusion as she said, "Ok". She climbed on my back and I flew toward the roost. I landed and Kiara climbed down. It was now or never. "Can I ask you something?" I put the words out before I had a chance to realize what I was going to do. "Sure" Kiara looked curious. We walked to the back of the roost right underneath the beginning of the metal zipline. "Did you eat our fish?" I blurted out. Kiara looked at me with shock and guilt. "I did" I hoped it would be a no but how did she. "How did" I was cut off when something streaked across the sky and I pushed Kiara away from it.

Kiara POV


"Winger" I screamed. Lightning struck the spot where I was standing, where Winger is standing. He collapsed, no dragon can just survive a direct lightning blast. They would burn to a crisp. But Winger didn't burn and the other Rescue Riders were coming out. His scales weren't even hot. How was that possible? That's when I realized Winger was starting to glow. No way, I thought, No way. 

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