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A/N: In which Viktor decides that Vok'Rul could use a little help with wooing Thruul.

Set after the translators were created but before Viktor was thrown into a coma.


"Well, I'm not really sure you're doing it right," Viktor commented, the blood rushing to his head making his words slow. Hanging off the couch upside down was good for thinking, though, and he needed all his brainpower for this one.

"Kohgrash, I know what I'm doing," Vok'Rul said in a near-growl.

Viktor made a long disbelieving noise. The sound of glass and metal falling onto the table punctuated it, and he couldn't stifle the giggle that rose out of him.

"Shut up," Vok'Rul said before the project he'd been working on even had time to settle.

"Won't a card work fine?" he asked, rolling over so that he was on his stomach. He was one inch away from losing his battle with gravity and falling off the couch completely, but he could live with that sort of danger hanging over his head.

"A card won't-"

"-show your appreciation adequately, uh huh," Viktor snarked back. Vok'Rul looked up from his ruined project - some sort of orb thingy that was supposed to spin and light up apparently - and glared at him.

"You asked," he huffed.

Viktor stretched forward, falling to the ground in a heap. He rolled out of his tumble to take a seat at Vok'Rul's table. The alien was sitting on the carpet, hunched over to inspect his gift. "I think it's a dead end, man," he said after a while of watching the alien struggle to put it back together.

"It's not dead," he moped, dropping his hands onto the table.

"What's this for anyway? Some holiday coming up?" Viktor asked. He didn't say how odd it was that Vok'Rul wanted to get Thruul a gift if only to avoid embarrassing his friend. The guy had a big ass crush on Thruul, and vice versa. Frankly, it was embarrassing to even watch them interact.

"His hatching day," Vok'Rul replied distractedly, attempting to fix his little orb again. Viktor nearly choked.

"Do you... get all your employees birthday gifts?" he asked innocently.

"Don't be ridiculous, Kohgrash. I'd be getting gifts every day!" Vok'Rul scoffed. 

Oh, my God. Vok'Rul was so down bad for Thruul. 

"Yes, how ridiculous," Viktor muttered. Vok'Rul needed some divine intervention if he couldn't see how ginormous his crush on Thruul was. And the fact that Thruul was so desperately in love with him back. These two idiots were going to be the death of him, he thought. 

Hours later, when Viktor had been entertaining the thought of abandoning Vok'Rul to his pathetic attempts of construction - he didn't even know what the gift was supposed to do, for Christ's sake, how was he supposed to build it? - the alien stood up abruptly and called the gift kaput. 

"I don't want to hear a single word out of you, Kohgrash," he had demanded right as Viktor exclaimed, "It's about fuckin' time!" 

They stared at each other for a moment before Vok'Rul huffed and told him to grab the harness in the office while he got ready. 

"You're the owner here," Viktor grumbled, fetching the harness with a disdainful expression. "You're supposed to wait on me hand and foot." 

"Why I ever thought getting a mammal a good idea is beyond me. You're a spoiled little cretin," Vok'Rul shouted from his room. Viktor rolled his eyes. He scattered some toys outside his half-closed door and retreated down the stairs to avoid facing the music right away. He was absolutely delighted when he heard the alien yelp in pained surprise minutes later. 

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