Chapter 1:Adopted

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The day had begun with a beautiful sunrise, a nice, smooth cup of chocolate milk, and your parents freaking out about their financial situation. Apparently (F/N) [fathers name] had spent the life savings on a new car, as the previous one broke. They both had only minimum wage jobs and could barely afford the 1 bedroom apartment. They had only saved 3,000$, but with the car broken they had to get a new one. (F/N) had bought the car without asking your mother, and now they were arguing. You didn't understand why, they needed the car right? Why would they be arguing. Despite not understanding why they were fighting, you hated the noise and the general atmosphere as they did fight. You left the room and went back to laying in bed. You could still faintly hear them, and despite trying to ignore it you just couldn't.
"How are we going to tell (Y/N) that we can not afford food this week? How are we going to pay the bills? Huh, (F/N)!" Your mother screamed

"I will figure something out, OK! If someone left the house, we could afford this stuff! I'll take a second job, now calm down before (Y/N) hears you!"

You had heard them, and especially what (F/N) had said. They would be happy if someone left. While you weren't good with implications, you could see he was implying you. You teared up and decided to be the big person, after all you were 16 and could get a job and own a house on your own. Plus, it wasn't like you hadn't been homeless before. You only moved into the apartment because of the price, before that it was cardboard boxes for you three.

After packing, you quietly slipped out the window. Leaving behind only a note that said bye. Meanwhile, unaware to you leaving your parents continued to argue.

"Don't try to blame me on this, you are the one who spent our savings!"

"Me? You are the one who let your Alcoholic, jobless, bum brother live with us! If I have to get a second job, you have to get rid of him or make him pay rent! We were going to spend that money to get stuff for Y/N's upcoming birthday anyways, and if he pays rent we could easily still get the 3k back!"

You walked away from the complex, tears running down your face. After about an hour of walking, you felt pretty tired. You decided to sleep on a park bench.

Meanwhile a teenage boy, who seemed slightly older than you, was nearby. He was currently trashing a gas station after shooting the cashier. He scoffed at the body and stated "you should be glad you died that quickly. Last person I killed took hours." He quickly grabbed a handful of bills from the register, jumped over the counter and ran out the doors. Cops arrived after that, but found no evidence that he was there. He began to chuckle to himself, when he stumbled upon you on the bench.

He wanted to take your bag at first, until he recognized you as the friendly kid from his school, or ex-school. He graduated last year. You were a Freshman, however you still were nice to the tall scary Senior. The one that had built a reputation of beating others up. You were the only person he could hang out with at school. He soon found out the reason you weren't scared, is you didn't notice his glare or the fact he was 2 whole heads taller than you.

He decided that he would help you instead, and grabbed his phone. He called his "dear" dad, who he despised. "Yo, old man." He began.
"Hunter, what a pleasant surprise. Have you been arrested again? Hopefully not for murder, it is so expensive to bribe judges and juries." A deep voice stated over the phone.

"No, I am not in jail." Hunter replied, scornful as if his father had insulted him.

"Oh" his father replied surprised "then why are you calling, I thought you hated hearing my voice?"

"Yeah, yeah. I definitely do, however I found something that may interest you. I had this friend back in Highschool" Hunter was cut off at that

"You had a friend" his father asked even more surprised.

Platonic Yandere Adopted Family x Autistic ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now