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Knox's POV

I was on the verge of passing out in the delivery room but kept it together because my wife is the one delivering the baby. I calmed myself down as I heard her groan and whimper in pain. 

After few more pushes, bean finally came out. I felt myself panic as I watched the baby not making a sound and I saw the doctors do things to make it cry.

I breath a sigh of relief when it screamed its lungs out. I was so happy and based on the dangling thingy on its crotch, it was a boy.

"My love you-" I stopped on my tracks when I saw my wife pale and eyes closed.

"Doctor! Check my wife, I think something's wrong," panicking I called the doctor.

"Calm down sir, miss Harper is tired from delivering this bouncing baby boy." I felt relieved but irritated when the doctor called Eli by her maiden name.

"It's Missus Xavier," I growled. The doctor lowered her eyes. She was soon moved on a private room and our baby was taken to the ICU to be observed because he came out too early.

I was informed that he would be fine as long as there wont be any complications and that they could be out in a week.

As I was holding Eli's phone. I called the contacts in it, which was only under 10, to inform that she had given birth. 

Thirty minutes later people who looked like her co-workers from her work place rushed.

"Hi, are you the one who called me about Eli?" she asked while catching her breath.

"Uhm, yes," I answered. The man, who I assumed is her husband wrapped his arms around her waist and looked at me.

"Not trying to be rude but are you somewhat related to her?" he asked, voice laced with suspicion. I liked how he was protective of my wife but I'm fucking here now so fuck off.

"I'm actually her husband." I confidently said and they gaped at me.

The woman then grabbed me by the collar and said, "Are you fucking sure? As far as I know Eli is not married." Her husband tried to calm her down as I explained the situation I was in.

"How the fuck did you not know that Eli was innocent? I mean look at her, she couldn't even hurt a fly even if that fly is trying to kill her!" she raged.

"I know, that is why I'm going to make things right this time, I'm really thankful for you guys for taking care of her in my place."

"Taking care of her in you place? Man you got some nerve, go back to where you came from. We have seen how Eli struggled ever since we met her and now I can see why she left you, you got a big ego there." I felt ashamed when she said that I didn't even notice that they went inside the room Eli was in.

"I apologize for my wife's words man, she's just over protective over Eli," her husband said to me.

While they were in the room, I decided to visit our little angel. Although I couldn't go inside the room to hold him, there was just a big glass between us so I can see him very well. It hurt me as he was connected to many tubes and he was really small but what can I do but wait for him, for them to wake up.

I went back to the room to check if Eli woke up. I looked on the small opening and I saw her awake and laughing with her friends. I missed that, she used to smile and laugh for me all the time but now I haven't even seen her smile at me. And well I know that it was my fault.

I felt the awkwardness in the room the moment I walked in.

"So Eli, this man told me that he was your husband?" The woman sarcastically asked.

"Uhm yeah, guys this is Knox, Knox they're my friends, Sheila and Karlos." She lowered her gaze as if she was embarrassed to introduce me as her husband which made my heart hurt but, yeah, my fault.

"So it's confirmed huh, why are you here again? Do you even know how much stress you caused her that made her give birth this early?" she asked irritated.

"Sheila stop it, by the way Knox, where is our baby? Is bean okay?" Eli stopped her friend's probing and changed the topic to our son. She looked really worried.

"Our little baby boy is fine Eli, he's strong like you." I unconsciously caressed her head and felt so happy that she didn't avoid my touch.

I showed her the picture that I took before coming here and she teared up.

"My baby boy," her voice cracked.

"I'm so sorry Eli, I shouldn't have pushed you to your limit" I apologized. The couple in the room with us excused themselves to go check on their nephew.

"I don't want to hear any of your apologies anymore Knox. Why can't you just leave me and my baby alone? I can raise him on my own?" she said calmly but I could hear her frustration. I wish she could also hear my heart breaking as she said those words.

I didn't even feel the tears running down my face and just looked at Eli, absolutely crushed. her eyes widened as the saw my crying face.

"E-Eli please, I'll spent the rest of my life atoning for the pain I've caused you but let me make it up to you and our b-baby. M-my heart aches whenever I hear you calling him only yours and not ours." I sobbed as I clutched my heart at the unbearable pain that I was in at the moment.

She reached out to me and pulled me closer to her. I cried like a child in her arms.

"C'mere," she moved a little so there was a space in the bed, and me, being so vulnerable just followed her instructions like a kid. I laid my head on her chest and she caressed my hair. I felt loved at that time, she let me cry my heart out until I didn't notice that I had fallen asleep in the arms of my beloved.

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