From the Author: The Future of This Story

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Hello all, so happy to see you!

I've finally gotten around to it, and I've actually published this book online! 

It is currently on Amazon Kindle only, but I am working on a paperback version! (It's a little bit frustrating and time consuming, to be honest)

If you love the story and are able to, I would greatly appreciate you supporting my endeavors to becoming a 🎉published🎉 author by purchasing your own copy! (And then you get to keep it forever!) If you're unable to, I'd love to see votes on your favorite chapters! (That helps me gauge what to write more of when I write other stories!)

Again, thank you all for supporting me and this story, I'll be working on more books in the near future! Speaking of which, check out my other two stories in my profile, and let me know what you think!


The Author

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